Friday, May 29, 2009


Well it was a lazy friday.Jeni went over to our son Dans to check on the lawn we recently reseeded and also water to plants.I of course had a huge list of things i was ready to tackle.let me review what i actually accomplished.#1 watch cubs-dodger game and snack.#2 watch oakland A-texas ranger game plus more snacks.#3 watch 2nd game of a double header A's-rangers and even more snacking.a little nap from time to time during the games and before I knew it it was 6pm.When jeni wanted to know what we should do for dinner seeing it was fri. night,I had the perfect idea,"hotdogs at the minor league baseball game!"Our son Dan and his friend had tickets so we all went.It was the LA dodgers singleA team the"66ers"their stadium just a few miles north of us in San Bernandino.We all had a great time.Actually I accomplished nothing today except for a little "man pampering"but we all need that from time to time.I'm lucky to have such a loving and understanding wife.Thanks Jen!