Saturday, May 30, 2009


I had the pleasure of going with my son Dan to pick up his son Nevin this morning.We spent the day trying to keep up with him.To add to the workout,he also was watching his friends daughter lacy.these two sweet younguns kept us moving all day.Inside,outside,swing me(not that way!),lets play ball,another drink please,well you get the idea.Watching little ones is not for the faint of heart,it's work! Any time we can see our grandchildren it's an adventure but a fun adventure we cherish.Did I mention that we are going to Sacramento tomarrow to see our daughters and Grandaughter! NOOOOOO!!!!!!
After my "baseball marathon" yesterday,It was Jeni's turn for a "womens day".So while my son and I were" wrangling"kids,she was catching up on her reading.I made it back to the RV at 6pm mindless from the days task,GRANDKIDS! Jeni made me a nice dinner and" all was right with the world again."