the park has been delightful.Its been in the 70s all week and bright sunshine.Jeni has been working on the "new members dinner" scheduled for Saturday.Its a pot luck with the park providing salad,rolls,and cake...yea! The park inducted 12 new couples into the fold.After the dinner they were all brought up on stage and introduced to the membership.Over the past 2 years,younger,new members have breathed new life into the park.We have more able bodied volunteers and more social events going on. Jeni and I look forward to volunteering along side these new energetic members.

One thing about park sierra,the members might be a little picky about what they have for dinner but when it comes to goodies,they are all in. The new member cake at the right....gone! any other sweets set out for any social gathering....gone!I don't know how they keep so thin when their staples consist of sweets!Jeni and I would like their secret.Well its 2 weeks and counting for our annual fund raiser"Stage Coach Days". The preparations are in place.This year Jeni will MC the Sunday night talent show,and handle all the proceeds for the various booths IE the treasurer. And me,well I and my partner RJ will be at the reins of the hay wagon giving rides on Fri-Sun.Also I got roped into a part in the variety show!I'm still trying to find out who signed me up. Right now I'm sworn to secrecy concerning my part but there will be pictures on the next blog for sure.

Easter weekend we headed to Sacramento for Katie's baby shower which was on Saturday. Now I know your thinking "a baby shower! whys ole Philly going. Its just for the ladies right?"Wrongo! When my daughter and her husband put on a party,everyone is invited,and its a happening event.This is by far the best baby shower Ive ever been to! Jeni and I had a ball. They say your only as rich as the friends you keep,well if this is any indication,Billy and Katie are millionaires! What a fun group.That's my daughter(kinda looking like me) and her husband.I don't think its sunk in yet that he is going to be a father.

An Easter egg hunt for the kids.Yes I said kids,everybody was invited.This was no "pinky sipping doyle laced crumpet and tea affair,this was a party man! Notice who was in the front of the pact waiting for the egg hunt to start,"ole Wiley" DJ my Grandson. He is an "ole egg huntin expert"."OUCH!...OK Jeni,I'll lay off the adjectives and stick to the story".

DJ scored a bunch of eggs,he is a happy little guy.

Even "trucker" the kids dog enjoyed the baby shower.Although he stayed close to the BBQ for clean up duty. If the chef dropped anything "trucker" was on it.

The kids even got to "whack" a pinata full of candy. The kids made "mincemeat" out of it in record time. There was also a horseshoe tourney,and a DJ...no! not my Grandson, a disc jockey. He played some fine music that even appealed to Jen and I.

They had hung a rope from a tree for the pinata,so after the pinata was history they let the kids swing on it.This was a favorite with them as they had a line of kids waiting to swing. Although there was one kid that was taking cuts in line to get her turn......

Wait a minute,I know that kid. Its my wife! Jen WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?.....That's my wife,a kid at heart.

We had a great time at the shower and Sunday we went over to Jackie's house for Easter.We played games and ate and ate.Its Doran tradition.I got a great picture of the "mommy to be" Katie with her daughter Alyx and Alyx's boyfriend Cody. It was a proud Dad and Grandpa taking this picture. What a great weekend we had partying,and seeing the kids. Its the best.
Back at the park,we are all getting ready for "Stagecoach Days". It starts next Thursday.Jeni and I are going to be busy little bees. We will be leaving the park April 29th for Folsom Lake for the summer.It will be nice to spend the summer with the kids and Grand kids.DJ,and Alyx will be spending a lot of time with us enjoying the park. And DJ will be riding "Shotgun" in the "Gator" with Grandpa. We have some engine noise in the RV,a bearing in the fan or something going out so I will have that checked at Village RV when we first get into town. Hopefully nothing serious. We start at Folsom Lake campground Monday the 30th as "Camp hosts".We will be there til Labor day, site#D. Its been a great fall and Winter at Park Sierra but its time to head out as most of the members do for their summer travels. But we will all meet again next fall in the park to swap stories of our travels,and start planning another great fall and winter at the park. The next 2 weeks will be a blur and before we can catch our breath, we will be off to Sacramento. Adios for now.