Well we are back in Port Townsend doing some more sight seeing around town.
The harbour is always busy with boats coming and going. The bay is like glass as the overcast gives the area a small fishing village feel.Coffee and sweatshirts are the order of the day.

The old and the new come together at this port as modern cruisers mingle with ships from days gone by.
The weather has been great and we have loved the downtown area of Port Townsend with its historic feel, the many quaint shops, and the food! Probably the best place we have enjoyed dining at, the"Bay View Cafe". Its right on the bay, The view is magnificent!

Even the wildlife enjoy the view. This little guy is a resident of the area. The "belted"Kingfisher. We stood right beside him on the wharf and took his picture. He didn't care as I'm sure he was enjoying the views too.

Even the wildlife enjoy the view. This little guy is a resident of the area. The "belted"Kingfisher. We stood right beside him on the wharf and took his picture. He didn't care as I'm sure he was enjoying the views too.

Port Townsend is known for its many "Victorian" homes. This was Jeni's favorite. It sets above the waterfront looking down on the city. It is visible from most of the area.

As we shopped downtown, I lost Jeni to "the puzzle"! She loves jigsaw puzzles and at Park Sierra they always have a "running puzzle" going in the clubhouse.Anyone can work on it.It is usually one of those 1000 piece ones.she is always up there working on it. At this shop they had one going, so Jeni just couldn't resist. I like the name of the shop..."Completely puzzled," Just like Jeni.

Port Townsend has a Ferry that takes you over to Widbey Island and Oak Harbor. We walked on and rode it over to the island.up here in the Olympic Peninsula there are numerous Ferries that take you to places like Seattle, Brimmerton, the San Juan islands, and Victoria BC. We would of loved to go to Victoria but we forgot our passports.(senior moment!) It is about a 30 minute trip over to the island. right next to ferry landing in Widbey, there is Fort Casey State Park. I like how Oregon and Washington has taken these old military forts and made them into state parks.

Fort Warden ,which is near Port Townsend, is another example of how State Parks has restored these old Forts to their glory days and tells the story of its presence here. all the buildings are utilized by the parks,renting them to organizations for various functions, as hostels for visitors, and as educational facilities for the school system. My hats off to the State for their novel approach to preserving our history. California should take a Que from them!

One of the old bldgs at the fort. It is like a school campus with its layout but then you stroll out to the "Battery bldg."where the big guns used to be stationed and you know its not a school but a military fort.

That's Jeni on top of of one of the "Battery compounds"at the fort. it is an assume site. The massive guns they used to have here at one time were shipped over to France during the height of WWII.

Another day trip we took was over to Indian island and Fort Flagler State Park. Another example of how State Parks utilized these old forts for the better good. Here besides the fort itself, they had full hookup RV spots right on the Ocean. "We want to camp host here!" We love this place. You don't need to take a ferry over as it has a bridge you cross. Its about 20 minutes from Port Townsend.

Even the deer like to picnic here at Fort Flagler. This is one of the prettiest parks we have seen up here. The fort is right on the bay. Again, State Parks utilizes all the bldgs for various functions. "We want to camp host here!"
Fort Warten, Fort Casey, and Fort Flagler were vital in the defense of the bay from aggressors during the Spanish American war, WWI, and WWII.When we were in Astoria Oregon, the forts there,Ft. Stevens, Ft. klatsop, and Ft. Columbia in Washington, Protected the mouth of the Columbia from passage by aggressors. Ft. Stevens
northwest coast. that was in WWII.
At Fort Flagler, they had the Navy band doing a concert right in one of the battery bunkers. We grabbed our chairs and enjoyed the music. "We want to camp host here!"
We love it up here on the Olympic Peninsula. Lots to do,so little time. Tomarrow we are headed for Seattle. We have decided to ferry over with the car from Bainbridge so we can get around the city.
They had a "Spaghetti dinner here at the park for the Emergency responders from the local fire dept in Chimacum. We decided to go as we have been sight seeing so much we haven't got involved with the park . when your an "Escapee" its your job to get involved, we went. The dinner was very delicious and we met some wonderful people. As with all Escapee parks, this one is "top Notch". Any way, back to the dinner, They had an auction where they actioned off the EMT's to raise money for them as they are all volunteers. What a hoot! Our table pooled our money with another table to bid on one of the EMTs lovely girlfriend!I knew I liked these guys! After some "spirited" bidding ,we WON!! we got to have her dine with us at our table. Her name was Roz. Being the gentleman that I am, I jumped up, brushed aside a couple of my table mates, and offered Roz the seat next to me. After a blow felt from Jeni's elbow to my ribs #$@%* I let Roz set next to Jeni. All in all they raised $1900.00 for the EMTs. Our hats are off the the park members. Jeni and I might pitch this idea to the members at park sierra when we get back.
I guess it is true what they say,"too much of a good thing is not good" We are growing weary of all the "go go go"and sight seeing the last couple of weeks so we will take a couple of days off before we head to Seattle. You know football season is upon us and this weekend will be a great time to relax and unwind by watching the NFL. My daughter Jackie and her husband got the NFL package again this year so I get it too. I love the "RED ZONE" channel where they show you action of all the games as it happens, so no channel surfing for action. I love this time of year. The baseball races heating up, college and NFL football starting, and the NBA just around the corner. It is truly the most wonderful time of year. Wait a minute, Jeni tells me Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. Well, that a story for another time and blog.