Sunday, October 4, 2009


Well we spent the week recouping from the wedding and I could hardly get out of my cart to work on Monday.We really enjoy volunteering here at Park Sierra.Every day is a different duty. the only thing that is the same is breaktime with cookies.Jeni has been working in the office and cleaning and raking the rental sites.I have been backfilling where we replaced the water valves, building wooden covers for aeriator pumps,replacing the plywood floor in one of the rental sheds,and my favorite, trimming trees! They have some volunteers that have been sealing asphalt cracks in the roads and they have scheduled a truck to come in next week to "fog seal" the main roads in the park. I have managed

to avoid the "crack sealing" crew so far.

One thing I did get in on this week was the tree cutting crew. There was an old oak tree that was dead in the park, and we went out and cut it down.It was pretty big and probably yeilded a couple of cords of firewood. The picture shows the final remmnants of the big oak."monster"tree.Timber! That was the hardest I worked all week.I got 2 cookies that day!

We have been trying to decide where to end up this winter and as luck would have it we will be "camphosting" at the very place we started volunteering 5 years ago.Beals Point State Park at Folsom Lake. The Ranger contacted us about needing help this winter,and when we went to Sacramento for the wedding we met with him and finalized the deal. We will be there from Dec. 1st. til may 1st. If your in the area stop in. Jeni and I think that by next summer we will be members of Park Sierra as we are 24th on the list.

Jeni is upset as we haven't been able to play cards on Friday night at the clubhouse.Friday we had to head back to Sacramento as Jeni had DR's appointments so no cards again.I don't know how long my lucks going to hold!

We came back Saturday and the weather at the park went straight from summer to winter.It was 41 degrees last night and 65 degrees today.Fall is here!