Our families are celebrating Thanksgiving at various places this year.Jeni and I will be staying home and celebrating with our fellow "Park Sierrians".Last weekend we drove down to Riverside to see our son and Grandsons Aiden,and Nevin.We had a wonderful time with them, They are little "balls of energy!"They wore us out. After rough housing
with them, I was down for the count!

Right before we headed to Riverside,We got some bad news that my uncle Frank had passed away.It was sad but he lived a very full life.
There was a memorial Sunday in L.A., so we all went over for it.
The picture is Frank on his 90th birthday party last summer with my son Dan,my uncle(franks brother) Robert,and my Brothers Gary and Larry. Jeni and I couldn't attend as we were in Oregon. You would of loved him.He enjoyed life to the fullest!

When we drove over to Riverside,we took the "grapevine over as there was snow predicted for the Tehachapies on hwy 58.What a mistake! lots of rain and accidents everywhere.We spent 2 hours stuck on I-5 on top of the grapevine! Sooo....I decided no more Grapevine.coming home we took the 58 over the Tehachapies.Of coarse it was Snowing on the top! Luckily only a little so we breezed through with no problems.

Its not as bad as it looked,plus we were in the car not the motor home.

The day before, me and couple of guys carved up about 10 turkeys.Luckily one of the other guys used to be a butcher so with his expertise we had em done in an hour.

Jeni's favorite table...dessert.or should I say pumpkin pies.She wanted to be seated here for dinner but the members declined her request!
Jeni and I sat with our neighbors Gary and Michelle,one of our resident computer geeks Bruce and his lovely wife Jenna,and Guests from Alabama.Their names escape me right now.

Someone came up with a novel Idea to place these paper turkeys at every table and have everyone write on them what he or she is most thankful for. Then place them on the Christmas tree.We thought it was a great idea. This one caught my eye. simple and sincere.I like it!

Jeni's nephew Brett just had a little boy last month, and her brother sent her pictures.They named him Kaden.We are headed to Arizona after the new year so we can spend some quality time with Jeni's family and so Jeni can spoil that little guy.Watch out Kaden,your great Aunt is looking for some "ISH"
Well we are weary from our trip,and stuffed from the feast,We went to the social here and played Bunco Friday night.We have another dinner tonight followed by "Game night",so Sunday will be a day of hibernation for us,As you get older, after days of non stop socializing,you need a break.But,what a wonderful week it has been.