Before we leave for Oregon we decided to visit all of them.
First, after "stagecoach days" we headed up to Sacramento to babysit DJ for a week while the parents went to "Cabo".That's Jen with a sleeping DJ. I'm not in the picture because I was asleep on the couch! DJ and I wore each other out at the park.Trying to keep up with a 3 yr old is like boot camp. Its good for you..... if you survive!
After 5 days of "grand kid"boot camp", we hit the road back to the park tired
Back at the park we have been sprucing up our site and planning future projects when we get back in the fall. We are glad we decided to become members.The people here are just like family,and the good times never end. I wish I was as lucky as one of our members John Ely was as he won 100 dollars at one of the raffles at" stage coach days". Him and his lovely wife Barbara were sitting with us.I tried to get a "table commission" from him but he wasn't having any of it. COME ON JOHN!
help an "ole" retiree out.

This past weekend it was time to hit the "grand kids highway" again. This time we headed down to Riverside to see Aiden and Nevin our son Dans sons.My brother Gary and his wife Martha also came up from San Diego. Our son made some "killer BBQ ribs" and all the fixings.We had a nice visit. Sunday Dan and the boys took Jen and I out to breakfast for mothers day/fathers day/Jens birthday. He is off the hook til Christmas now. That is Dan and sons Nevin (on the left) and Aiden. Jen and I weren't in the picture as we had nothing left in the tank, we were rode hard and put up wet, we were toast, you get the idea.
after breakfast,we hit the road back to park Sierra tired but glad we got to spoil the little ones.
Today I played golf with a couple of the members.We all had a great time(except for the rain) I could not take any pictures because of The weather but I'm happy to report that we made all 18 holes.George and Mert were my playing partners and we all became fast friends. They have golf sign ups here at the park every monday and when we get back this fall I will be taking part.
This is our last week here as we pull out a week from today for Oregon.We have agreed to volunteer for assit mgrs in their absence from thurs. thru Sat. Jeni will be working in the office and I will be parking rigs,reading meters, and monitoring the septic system. Those three days will go fast! That leaves us Sunday to prepare for our departure.
We will be camp hosting at Cape Blanco in June and then up to Dechutes in July and August.
We are planning on some site seeing on our way up to Oregon. Maybe Lassen and crater lake.
Well, we have traveled the "Grand kid highway"and survived! Some people never get to travel that road but for Jen and I it is a trip filled with joy, love, excitement,and adventure. We shall travel that road again, and again, and again,and again.