What a beautiful time of year.The blossoms are in full bloom, the birds are active,and people are sneezing. Yes its Spring.Park Sierra is beautiful this time of year.
Jeni and I will be leaving the park early to start our workamper job as they are short staffed and need help.We are exited.The park is "Yosemite Pines RV Resort" and we are scheduled to start March 27th.We will come back for" Stagecoach Days" and the head back for the summer.
Jeni and I took a tour of the "Blossom Trail" near Fresno.It was spectacular!
the tour starts just south of Fresno and you drive about 22 miles through beautiful blossomed trees |
Walnut blossoms |
These pink ones are amazing |
The trail is well marked for ease of driving |
These signs are all along the trail |
The white ones are also beautiful |
Even the orange trees look great |
Jeni and I stopped at the end of the trail for some grub and to try out their shooting gallery |
They had all kinds of antiques in the place.These soda ice boxes were primo |
Of course Jeni found the taffy and stocked up |
This is the place at the end of the trail.A bar,restaurant,antique shop,produce house,general store,wine tasting,and snack shop.WOW! I can't pronounce the name of the place but WOW! |
Even the African Daisey's were in full bloom |
It was a great day for the tour and we would do it again.
Jen and I are scrambling to get things done before we head out.Jeni has park commitments and I have Dr. things,and possible jury duty.Its going to be close but we will make it.
After my Dr. visit I have to do some tests that are scheduled in April when we are at Yosemite Pines.We will have to drive to Fresno.We will make it work.
What a great time of year,from snow,rain,and cold to blooms,green grass,and warm temps.......Spring is in the air!