Saturday morning the Parks district had a Volunteer appreciation day for all of the volunteers in the district. They gave us a bag of items and a continental breakfast with some yummy pastries.
There were about twenty some odd volunteers present including 4 camphost couples including Jeni and I.

It was great just to be recognized for all the hard work the volunteers do for the park system. It was sure nice to be noticed.
They gave a special award away for the volunteer of the year. It went to Ken Carter and his wife Barbara.They are camphosting with us at Folsom lake.
Ken and Barb have been working winters at Folsom lake for 6 years and when Jeni and I first started camphosting,Ken and Barb were our mentors.They instilled the camphost work ethic that started us on our way to a new and great lifestyle.

I snapped a picture of all us camphosts,Ranger Pam Wilson ,and head Ranger Barry Smith. Ranger Smith was the volunteer coordinator back in 2005 our first year camphosting.He was a great guy.Jeni and I knew back then that Ranger Smith was destined to go to the top and he sure did.
This has been a great group to work with and it is amazing how we all get along so well, but we do.
The weather has turned rainy again so it is time to hunker down again.

rig. The repairs have been mounting and most are beyond my"scope of work".I had another spring go out on the awning so I have to hand roll it up to close it,both slideout covers are totaled,and the pesky water leak in the icemaker in the fridge,that I have attempted to fix 3 or 4 times, is still leaking. So we will "bite the bullet"and get the the repairs done.
I was talking with one of our campers the other day,they are also fulltime RVers.I asked if it was hard traveling and not seeing alot of their kids and grand kids. They replied that they do not get along well with them so they seldom visit them. I asked why and they gave various reasons,didn't get along with their kid's spouses,grand kids too spoiled,and they didn't like the places where they lived. This made me think what great kids Jeni and I raised. We have imposed on them,had them conform to our traveling schedules and entertain us when we are in town, forward our mail,and no help with the Grand kids because we are always on the road. No matter what time of year we roll in, they are always glad to see us. Yes we are on the road alot but we always keep in touch and they know they can always count on us as we do them. Yes we have great kids and because we are not always there 24/7 for them,they know when the going gets tough for them,we will always be there for them.,Our kids Jackie,Dan,and Kate.We love you all.