That cool red golf cart that we are sitting in,well it's ours! I bought that baby from one of the guys here I volunteer with. He moved out of the park so I made him an offer he couldn't refuse(actually Jeni did).It gets us around the park and even has an enclosure that drops down from the roof and zips up to keep you warm and dry when it rains.I have been driving it to the pole barn in the mornings and Jeni takes it when she works in the office.
Speaking of work; it has cooled off weather wise so the working has been easier and not as physical as during the last few weeks when it was so hot.It's something different every day so you never get bored.I also like the fact that you work with different people each day so you get to know pretty much everyone.

The weather has been so nice that Jeni and I have been having our morning coffee on our deck enjoying the birds and the spectacular views of the park.Our site is elevated so we look down over the surrounding area.The picture I took gives you an idea of our vantage point.It doesn't get any better than this!What a life we live.
next week the park is having a three day event called "Harvest Festival" in conjunction with their annual meeting and board election.They are having a "poker run" and decorating contest for golf carts,(Jeni and I are entered in both) a silent auction,games and contests,food, a Fri. night dinner feast,and movie night sat. night.It is going to be a ball.Jeni has signed up to volunteer at various venues during the festival.I will have pictures for this on the next blog for sure!
The park is filling up now as with the bad weather up north everybody is headed south.Jeni and I have been keeping busy after work as Tuesday night is "dinner out with the escapees" as the park members eat at a different restaurant in the area each week.Friday night is card night at the club house with two nice couples we have met.We play a variety of card games but I've been very lucky so far,no "hand and foot"! Saturday night we play a game called "pegs and jokers" it's kinda like "Chinese checkers" but with more twists and turns.All in all we are busy little bees,today we went in to Fresno to get some material for decorating the cart."Stay tuned" for the outcome!
Tuesday of this week we took the RV to Oakhurst to get it smog ed.Now I had called ahead to make sure this place could do it and there would be no surprises when we got up there,RIGHT! the first thing out of the guys mouth was he wasn't sure as we might have a rig that needs an "enhanced smog",WHAT! you have got to be kidding me just smog it!He would check my Vin number but everything was probably OK.YEA!,after about 20 minutes he let me know he couldn't smog it!!!.........After Jeni pulled me off the guy(just kidding) we headed back down the hill to the park.Lets see ,a 32 mile round trip,20 bucks in gas,and 2 hours shot,what a deal.another place I won't be going back to for sure.As I" steamed",Jeni reminded me of the beautiful park we are at,and the beautiful weather,I could feel the "ole"blood pressure coming back to normal. Lifes too short i'll put it behind me.OOOMMM-OOOMMM,