Our host site here at Deschutes, is the best site we have ever had.No other host site compares to this one. Manicured lawn,long paved driveway and pad,storage shed,first class utilities,I could go on and on but you get the idea. that is why we returned again this year for 2 more months.

We are very secluded up here.We have a little patio we set out on looking down on the campers and the river.We are shaded by a little grove of "Honey mesquite trees"as the gentle breezes keep us cool. Our little slice of heaven.
The weather has been below normal for July. Usually they are in the 90's
but this year mostly 70's and 80's.we got no rain last summer but already have had 2 or 3 days of rain in July. Last week,I went on the raft trip with Tom Peterson the Ranger here at Deschutes.If you remember last year,I went and had a great day fishing.I caught 2 nice "Steelhead" both natives so they had to go back in the river(catch and release). but what a fight they put up.I learned a great lesson from the ranger,"you can't Horse these fish in,you have to finesse them and let them run".I would of used that valuable piece of advise this year but....I didn;t catch a thing.Not even a nibble.The fishing has been poor at best this year because of all the rain and the below normal temps. But because of the poor conditions,the raft trip was very different this year. Nobody was on the river so we saw more wildlife,deer,big horn sheep,river otters,raccoons, and yes even a rattlesnake! While stopped for the night the ranger and I got in a little fishing. The grass is a lot higher because of the rain and tromping through it to get to our favorite fishing hole, we came across a "surly" 6 footer that didn't like us walking in his territory. As the ranger's foot came down right next to"Ole Surly",he let out a nasty rattle with his tail to let us know that he was ready to strike.We made a hasty detour and decided we would go to our 2nd favorite fishing hole! Because of the high water in the Deschutes,the rapids are a little more aggressive this year. On a scale of 1 to 6,there are four number 3's and one number 4,and a bunch of number2"s,but the high and swift water has made them a little more aggressive.A two might be a three or a four might become a five,well you get the idea,anyway,as we are rolling toward our first number three rapid, Ranger Tom informs me he had one of his passengers pitched out of the raft last week!!!, first one for him!! He calmly says "this is where I lost him...Hang on".Well I stayed in the raft but got drenched...over and over again with each rapid. After the last rapid I told him "just throw me a bar of soap"! It was a great trip and a lot more "white water" than "ole Philly cares for",but I thank Tom for another great rafting adventure on the Deschutes. Jeni and I have been real busy here as the campground has been full almost every night since we arrived. This park is very popular and everybody wants to camp here.We have met a lot of people here and a lot of the campers climb the stairs up to our site and sit and visit with us.It is our best "gig" yet and we love it here.yesterday I went out fishing on the Columbia river with one of the Rangers husbands Greg.He took me out last year and with the
same results...nothing!We were fishing for Salmon this time.But fear not,I still have another month top catch the elusive "Steelhead and Salmon"! Ya no, Even the most Idyllic lifestyle can hit a rut.Case in point,Beautiful scenery,great people,fantastic weather and not work but Volunteering.I use that word to make a point,Volunteering means donating your time.No set work schedule,no 8 hr work day,no boss, just camaraderie and Fun.(another key word to make my point) Anyway, Sometimes Jeni and I forget those key words. We get a little paranoid(ok,me more than Jeni). We think we are not doing a good enough job in one area of our duties or another.We try to do too much or we get down on ourselves.Then pretty soon we are working too hard and(like a regular job!) feeling stressed and depressed.........Then we look at each other and say....SNAP OUT OF IT WE ARE ONLY VOLUNTEERS FOR GODS SAKE! We then resume our fantastic life style and have fun doing what we love.After all like my Father used to tell me "you only go around once in life,you better enjoy it". As Jeni and I sit here in paradise on our little porch.The gentle breezes keeping us cool on a warm day.Watching the campers enjoying themselves on the emerald green lawns by the river,we raise our drinks and toast our surroundings and how lucky we are to be able to live this charmed lifestyle. Overworked,depressed, at Deschutes.....I don't think so!