I am one lucky guy!
We had a pre Christmas get together with Kate's family while we were in Sacramento baby sitting grandson DJ.

While in Sacramento,we had a great time with all the family.Pictured is Jeni and I in the holiday spirit.But,once we got back to the park,the "cold and flu" season hit us! First Jeni,then me. We were supposed to go to San Diego between Christmas and New Years but we just couldn't shake the colds we had.Poor Jeni had to fill in at the office and I worked a couple of days. when we weren't working we were sleeping.

The park had a New Years Eve party with a live Jazz band. we had a bad case of "cabin fever", so we drug ourselves over hoping for some fun.
Its amazing what a bottle of "Mondavi Merlot", great jazz music,and dancing can do to cure a cold.I felt....... "HIC UP".....GREAT! I have no idea how that blue hat got on my head! At ten o'clock we turned into pumpkins, got in our golf cart and....."HIC UP"......headed home.
We slept in this morning(I've never slept so much in my life) and we feel much better today than we have in weeks.Hopefully we are over the colds,but we will rest today and tomorrow.
Its tough but somebody has to watch all of the bowl games and NFL games this weekend.
Well its a brand new year and all the new years resolutions are in place(like were gonna keep em).A new year,a clean slate,square one.any way you look at it,by the end of 2011 we will need a new year,a clean slate,and square one again! HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL.