My grandson DJ and I love to go down to the lake and walk the dry lake bottom. We have found some interesting things. Swimming goggles, swim fins, bathing suits, anchors, fishing lures, you name it and we have found it.
This picture of DJ I took about 6:30 pm the other evening. Notice he is still in a t shirt. The weather has been in the high 70s all week and because of the time change, the sun doesn't go down until 7;30 or 8pm. This gives us more time to explore.
The lake is still kinda low for this

of year. Only 51% full. Where DJ is standing, the water usually is covering this area well above his head.
Saturday, I even went fishing with my son in laws dad Roger. We took his boat out and although we didn't catch anything, it was great to just get out on the water.
Well, let me get to the gist of my title of this blog. "The Camping Turkeys." I was doing my morning rounds,this is where I check to see who came in the night before. I usually register them or get their reservation paperwork to them in the morning. I noticed that

Speaking of Jeni, we had "date night" last Saturday night. I took her to a little theatre in "old Folsom called

Sutter Street Theatre. I can't remember the name of the play but it was about relationships between men and weman. Two couples were the whole cast, We really enjoyed it. I'm not a big theatre buff, but I really enjoyed this one. After the play we dined at....what else, Denny's. Its always open!
I took a picture of the campgrounds to show how green it is getting here,and the trees that are starting to bloom.It is really looking like spring. The little bunnies are scurrying around. The turkeys are doing their strutting and the squirrel's are darting here and there. I love this time of year.
We only have about a month left here but it is going to be a busy month. Last weekend the campground was full, and next week will be the same. Jeni and I have to work Easter and that is one of their busiest days of the year, but we will be up to it.
Like every place we have "camphosted" through the years, we have bonded with our fellow camphosts, and we are going to miss them when we leave. Our Tuesday night card games, building a deck with Ken and Bill, installing gates with Mark,Clint and Cherl, at peninsula campground. This is what makes it all worth it.
The kids are all doing great and we have spent quality time with DJ and Alyx while we have been here.With the nice weather,we are hoping to have a big barbecue at the park here for the family before we leave.
AH, spring is in the air. And I for one am a "happy camper" Baseball is starting,, the fish are biting, and I have a spring in my step. Well maybe not a spring but as my Grandson says "like a hurd of turtles!"Yea, that's how I move.