If you know us,you would never think of us as "avid" birdwatchers.Believe me we don't go around the world in those "kacki,Bwana"jungle outfits with big binoculars around our necks,"craning" our heads for that rare shot of the"yellow breasted"sapsucker!But we do enjoy sitting at our site,wherever we may be staying and viewing the wildlife in the area.At Park Sierra, we enjoy sitting on our porch

watching the" locals.Jeni took a few pictures of the residents at our site.We have California Quail,White crowned sparrows,Red headed woodpeckers,California Towees,and a big ole Swainson Hawk.Also ,Jeni"s favorite resident....The Deer!The camera didn't add ten pounds to the birds,Jeni did!She feeds them every morning.Before we know it,we have"covey's,and gaggles and flocks"of birds.

Fall is here.Cool days and frosty nights.The park has really" greened"up with the showers we have had a month ago and today.The rosemary is in bloom, the "live" Oak leaves have turned dark green, and the sycamore tree leaves are bright reddish orange.What a beautiful place!
Our time is growing short here as we only have a couple of weeks left. We have really enjoyed it here at Park Sierra.We now k
now this is where we want our "Homebase"where we will live.We should be in by next summer,but until then,we move to our new adventure at Folsom Lake St.Pk.for the winter.

We will be leaving the park for Riverside,Ca. to have Thanksgiving with our son and grandsons.Then up to Folsom for our winter job.
Tonight we are"Wii bowling" at the clubhouse.A lot of fun with our new friends.There is a lot to do here as every night something is going on at the clubhouse. Tuesday night is "bingo night",Thursday night is "Wii bowling",Friday night is "playing cards",Saturday night is"pegs and jokers",and Sunday afternoon is the ice cream social.Lots to do here.
At "break time",the other morning over coffee and cookies,my"pole barn buddies" and I discussed the pros's and cons of retirement.We decided unanimously that it was great! The only dissenter....a guy that used to worked in real estate.his complaint.....he couldn't make 200,000, a year anymore.YEA!He got some mean looks from the other guys!We got all types here in the park!