Nothing but good news on the Doctor front for Jeni and I. We spent Thurs and Friday in Sacramento visiting our respective Dr's getting checkups.Boy I remember back when you only had one Doctor, now they are all specialists.Jeni and I each have three for our specific needs.Thank god for "union" insurance!
We headed back to Park Sierra Friday afternoon with our Daughter Jackie and grandson DJ in tow.They followed us and stayed with us Friday and Saturday.We had a great weekend with them. Jeni and DJ enjoyed the covered porch on our site as we just enjoyed the park ,played table games and barbecued.Sunday Jackie and DJ headed home and Jeni and I rested so we are ready to go Monday at the park.Speaking of workamping, Wednesday another workamper and I were locating a water valve in the park.It was for the main water supply and the park Mgr. wanted us to try turning it off and on to make sure it's working.They call it "exercising the valve."Well, I turned it and nothing.It would not move. I put a little muscle behind it and it started to turn.I put a little more pressure on it and "SNAP" Here came the water.LOTS OF WATER! I broke the valve and water was gushing everywhere! Panic set in." Where do I turn it off" as the only place you could turn it off at I thought was the one I broke! The park mgr. was not a" happy camper" he scrambled to get a set of plans to see if there was another way to get the water turned off. Meanwhile, 250 residents of the park had no.........WATER!!! I thought to myself as I stood there in shock,"this will be the shortest workamping job in history!"......"Jeni is going to kill me!" Lucky for me we located another valve and got the water turned off so we could fix the valve and get water to everyone.The park Mgr. said "it was no body's fault and all seemed well and I think I'm back in good graces with him.But,I have noticed the friendly people of the park have been waving at me with one finger,and their golf carts have been coming "Dangerously" close to me as I walk the park.....Hummm.