No,this isn't a "Contra Rebel" armed to the teeth for Guerrilla warfare in Guatemala. No, It's me blowing the leaves off the bike trail at the park! Oregon State parks wants to keep their volunteers safe. Lets see...I have a hard hat on which restricts my vision, ear muffs so I can't hear a bike coming at me at 25MPH,and a dust mask that makes me breath harder and hyperventilate! Hey, safety first! Now you know I'm just kidding,right?Actually, the park takes very good care of us.

Jeni and I share all the duties they give us. I drive the riding mower because it is a highly technical piece of equipment.It gets real tiring driving this rig for 2 long,long hours I know,I know, Jeni is a lucky lady having a guy like me giving her the easy job. But, It's who I am. A nice guy,Right Jen?

"Whada ya mean your not running this mower on the hills,it's easy"."Don't make me get off this riding mower"."where are you gonna put that push mower"?!..Ok,I'll trade with you . Hey,I know when to bow to the Queen! We do share the duties and that is what keeps both of us young at heart.

An added bonus for Jeni and I up here on the Columbia Gorge, our good friends Stan and Diane are parked at their daughter Jenny's house just across the river in Trout Lake,Wash. We have been visiting back and forth this spring,going to dinner ,playing cards,and enjoying their lil grandson Mikey.What a great little guy he is. Jeni would be over there every day playing with him if they would let her.We were invited to his first birthday party and what a great time that little guy had.Diane's daughter Jenny is a great Mother.That little guy is always happy and energetic.We all went to dinner in Hood River the other night,and Mikey was the best lil guy.He's a keeper!

Jeni and I had booked a cruise on the "Columbia Sternwheeler"awhile back but they canceled us out because of the weather.We were getting ready to book again when the Park Ranger here,Andrew came by to tell us we could go for free on Thursday as it was volunteer day. Cool! The "Sternwheeler" is a riverboat that plys the Columbia River. Jeni took a picture of me and the other host at our park,Bob prior to boarding.

I goofed up while posting so you get two pictures of me and Bob! What a deal.

And off we go headed east up river. The "Sternwheeler" is ported in Cascade locks which is about 15 miles west of the park.There is a cafe there were Jeni and I go for lunch and sit by the river.(see earlier blog)

As we are heading east, we look back at the "Bridge of the Gods"in Cascade Locks.It takes you over to Stevenson Washington.The main river is to the right out of the picture,what your seeing is the actual Locks that got boats and barges around some very nasty rapids before they built Bonneville Dam. The locks are no longer used as Bonneville has locks and with the dam built,it raised the water level and the rapids flooded.

This is Capt. Tom. he is the skipper and he loves his work. He told me that there is a deep channel in the river that they follow as it winds from side to side.They have to navigate this deep channel(some120ft. deep) because there are Doug fir trees growing in the shallower portions of the river.You don't want to hit one of those babies! Well, the conversation came to an abrupt end and I was escorted out after I tried to give Capt Tom some pointers on driving this baby! Hey, I drove a houseboat one time! OK,OK i;m leaving! "So I'm a control Freak"! so Jeni says.

These are Indians pulling in their nets full of Salmon,Sturgeon,and Steelhead on the river.If I tried fishing this way,They would arrest me and fine me,but, the Indian Nations on the Columbia,and other rivers in Oregon have "Grandfathered Rights" to fish with nets.And that is OK by me They were here first!

Jen and I are enjoying our cruise.We would like to thank Oregon State Parks for setting this up for us Volunteers.

There were a lot of Volunteers on board but there was plenty of room to roam and Jeni saw every inch of the boat.

As I have said in earlier blogs, Sailing, Wind and Kite surfing are popular on the Columbia.

Its been a great day riding the river. We really enjoyed it. We love Oregon.Its worth the trip to come check it out if you ever get a chance. Our Granddaughter Alyx is flying in to Portland Thursday to spend a week with us.(who says 16 year old's don't want to spend time with their Grandparents!) We can't wait to spoil her.
If I don't get another post out in June, we will be moving over to our next job at Deschutes rec. St. Park for July and August.Yes,we were there last year and really loved it so were going back again.
Today was the best weather day we have had here as it was 80 degrees and light breezes,no wind. If this weather continues we may never leave.Such are the Oregon days on the Columbia