Spring weather at Folsom lake is 5 minutes of rain,5 minutes of sunshine and 5 minutes of thunder,lightning, and rainbows.
I was setting outside, in my favorite "Coleman" camp chair enjoying a "cold one"when this beautiful rainbow appeared. On the other side of that dirt levee is the lake and this

lake. What a sight! Nature at its finest.
With the spring weather, I have been getting in some nice fishing time. Its hard work but somebody has to do it!
Jeni has been running the pay station in the morning so I can battle the "lunkers". The fishing has been slow but it will pick up pretty quick.
We heard from our "camphost "friends Stan and Diane,and Tim and Shirley. They will be up by us this summer in Oregon so we are planning a "get together"for some catching up and cards(NOOOO,not hand and foot!) It will be great to see everyone again. We all "camphosted together last winter at Agua Caliente County Park in the desert southwest. We all bonded like family. Jeni and I miss them.
Here at Folsom Lake we have had Tues. night cards with our "camphost friends Ken and Barb,and Jerry and Debra. We have been playing "Shang-hi rummy". We stop after an hour or so for food. What a feed! Jeni and I never eat dinner on "card night" as Deb and Barb always bring all kinds of home baked gourmet delights! I can see the calories just jump on my plump "pillsbury dough boy" body as I dine on these delights! Hey, I'm retired. I'm entitled.
Jeni and my youngest daughter,Katie took a road trip to Arizona last week for 3 days.They were going to stay at my brother Larry's place.I emailed my brother and told him Thelma and Louise was headed his way.(you know, the movie)He wasn't sure how to take that message.I'm sure he was mulling over his fate when they arrived! They did have a nice visit and when the girls got back they said they sure enjoyed visiting with Lar. Thanks Larry, your a good brother. I owe ya one!
Baseball season for me is a thrill.I love baseball.I also love football but not with a passion like baseball. I have been catching some of the spring training games on TV and the season is only 5 days away.Poor Jeni, she will be doing a lot of reading this season as I follow my SF Giants. But she will never try to change that channel. Shes too good to me. Shes a Baseball widow but never complains.
Well we have 18 days left here before we trek down to Park Sierra. We have a lot to do before we can pull out. So we better get started as time flies when your having fun! until next time, follow those rainbows.