Well we have had a time with our computer and Internet service. The gremlins did a number on us but I think we have solved the problems and were ready to roll again.
We are near the end of our stay here as volunteers at beautiful Cape Blanco State Park.
Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife Jeni. The girls here at the park went out and picked a bouquet of flowers for her and sang happy birthday. She had a great day.
Thanks to Elsie,Debbie,and Gary for making it a special day for her.It is great to volunteer with special people like that

We had the same table with the ocean view and it made for a special afternoon.
We took an all day jet boat ride up the rogue river out of gold beach a couple of days ago and had a great time.The boat cruises at 60 miles an hour and with some of the most beautiful scenery in Oregon,we traveled about 104 miles up into the wild wilderness of the Rougue river.What a great day.
Jeni and I were up early to go on our boat ride and in the park we came upon these elk grazing in the meadow. 2 mamas and their yearlings we think.
We have seen a lot of wildlife here in southern Oregon. Gray whales lounging in the ocean not a hundred yards off shore,elk in the meadow,tons of deer,turkeys,sea lions,harbor seals,and lots of dogs,but no Bears yet!

These sea lions we photographed on the jet boat back in port after our trip.

These sea lions we photographed on the jet boat back in port after our trip.
We had a great day.One of the things we enjoyed the most was the"360's" the boat captain would do to liven up the passengers. He would get the boat going about 60mph then start weaving side to side ,then do a complete circle with the boat and hit the brakes. Better than a roller coaster!It was a thrill'
Half way up the river we stopped for lunch at a little restaurant on the river,then back on the boat headed for port.We saw a lot of Bald Eagles,and Osprey.
While Jeni and I were on the bluff above the ocean enjoying our view,we spotted this wayward whale.But we were not sure what kind of whale it was. Actually it is a big rock about a mile off shore.It sure looks like a whale though.Jeni said it looks like the whale in Pinochle.
We are going to miss the ocean views when we leave this park. We will definitely be back.

As we always do when we at any park,we get a picture of us and "the sign". It has been a "hoot" here at the"Cape" as they call it.But we are excited about our new adventures coming up in July.

As we always do when we at any park,we get a picture of us and "the sign". It has been a "hoot" here at the"Cape" as they call it.But we are excited about our new adventures coming up in July.
Dechutes State park awaits us in July and August, and we will be pulling out in the next few days,But that's another story for later.For now its great friends,ocean views,cool breezes and fun,fun,fun!!