The presents are wrapped,the holiday songs are getting old,and I've had way too much eggnog.Christmas must be close at hand.
Jeni has decorated our site with lots of festive lights. I mean a lot of lights! I checked our electric meter and it's whirling like a top.I can't wait to get the bill!
At the park, Jeni and I have been filling in as assistant managers until the new ones arrive the 26th.Its been a lot of hard work and 8 hr days,but it has been rewarding.Christmas day we are going to hibernate.Except for Christmas dinner at the park, we are staying home.
We have to work a half day Sunday,then we are done,and we can get back to normal.
After the holidays we plan to do some traveling.Going to San Diego and Phoenix this winter.Then to Oregon this summer to host again.
Here at the park you can't help but become swaddled in holiday cheer.Its like family,all the smiling faces and the many festivities in preparation of Christmas.
Well this will be as short post as it is time for bed so Santa can arrive here at the "ole" motor home.
Merry Christmas to all our family and friends and a very happy new year.