Saturday evening we Babysat D.J.My most tiring day at work(before I retired),can't compare to a night of babysitting the grandson!Playing trucks,wrestling,bath time,and trying to get him to bed.Whew! We slept like a baby.
Sunday morning we headed out early for park sierra as we had a barbecue to go to.
With the onset of fall,the park members are

flocking back to the park.Where we only had a
handful of volunteers at the pole barn this summer,we have had 18 to 20 volunteers this week.With more people in the park there has been more activities going on.Saturday night is Halloween potluck dessert and movie night.Costumes optional.Were going as "pirates" RRRRR matie!
We have a month left here as workampers and we have really enjoyed it here.Hopefully when we come back next summer we will be members.We heard back from the rangers at Folsom lake. We are accepted and cleared to start Dec. 1st.If you are in the area Dec. to April,stop in and see us in site#54
When we were in Sac. last Saturday I took a couple of pictures of our old house.It is my Daughter Jackie and her husband Dustin's house now.They have done a wonderful job of remodeling it.They have redone the inside and out and brought the old dinosaur to code.What caught my eye as Jeni and I drove up to the house,the new paint job.It's amasing what a paint job can do.