When you get into November,the days just fly by. And before you blink,Its Christmas! It seems like a couple of weeks ago I posted about our annual football trip. That was Nov. 16th. I turn around and it is Dec. 22nd!
Jeni and I have been pretty busy around the park with maintenance, committees,"movie night",Bunco, the theatre,and dinners, we have burned through two months in a blink of an eye.
On a positive note, we were to fill in as assist. managers for Christmas week but we only had to fill in on Monday and Tuesday, so we will get to spend Christmas in Sacramento with the kids. Whoopie!
It has been unseasonably cold and dry this year.It has only rained one day since we arrived in early October. "Its a gift,and a curse". No mud but lots of propane!
My camera went from bad to worse so no pictures I took were blog worthy.If you ever see a Fuji XP camera on sale that is water proof, freeze proof, dust proof, and shock resistant...pass it up. It may be all its advertised but the pictures Suck! The settings are terrible and I'm tossing this one and asking Santa for a new one.
Jeni and I were talking with another member in the park last month and he just got a 2011 Suzuki Grand Vitara at the dealership in Fresno. He told us that they had on more 2011 down there and they wanted to move it because the 2012s were coming in. Jeni and I are looking to buy one in the near future and the ole 2002 Grand Vitara is showing some wear. But were looking to spring to get a new one. We decided we might get a good price on the 2011 they had down at the dealership so we went there. When we drove there we noticed there were several dealerships on this little paved road that meandered through all the car dealers. The road was virtually lined on both sides with "Car Salesmen"! Smiling,waving you in ,gesturing to you. Some even holding balloons....talk about intimidating! Of course the Suzuki dealer was down on the end. I saw a parking spot across the street and before I turned off the engine I had one of the salesmen poking his head in my window asking "how can I help you?" I told him the first thing he could do for us is move his head out of the car so I can roll up my window! Long story short, they didn't want to sell that car very bad. And we weren't in the dickering mood as the car wasn't really the color we wanted. We'll wait for Spring,the "ole Vitara" is running good.
We have new plans for next summer and good news to share,but we will wait til next post in January to tell. And maybe pictures with a new camera? Ah, the Holidays.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2012
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Road Trip

Well we are settled in at Park Sierra.Keeping busy and having fun. Jeni and I headed down to Riverside to see our Grandsons,Aiden and Nevin last weekend. We also went to the Rose bowl to see Arizona State battle UCLA in college football. Our son Dan "painted"the boys up so they looked like real Sun Devil fan
s."Bring it on baby"!
It was a close game but UCLA prevailed 29-28. The last five games we have attended,the Sun Devils have lost....If anybody finds this little fact out, Jeni and I could be banned from future games IE a Jinx!

Here we all are before the game.My two brothers on the left,Jeni and I on the right,our Grand sons in the middle, and our son and my brothers wife behind them. In spite of the loss,it was a great day. Jeni and I enjoyed the weekend with our family in So Cal.It has been 7 months since we last saw them.....Way too long! Back at the park, Jeni and I keep busy. Me with Maintenance and her with her committees.Its all about comeroderie.Jeni and I have always said, if we lived in a house we would not have met all these wonderful friends. And we would not be as active as we are here.I've learned in retirement you have two choices,you can relax and be sediment and take it easy,or you can live your golden years as an active,engaged person enjoying life in a vibrant active community like Park Sierra. We are staying at the park for Thanksgiving.helping with the dinner and enjoying our extended family.We are planning to spend Christmas with our family down in Sacramento. Then in January the big family cruise with all of us for 5 days.What a fun winter. In February Jeni and I will travel to Arizona for a month to see her brothers and sisters.Yea,its all about the road trips.That's for sure.

It was a close game but UCLA prevailed 29-28. The last five games we have attended,the Sun Devils have lost....If anybody finds this little fact out, Jeni and I could be banned from future games IE a Jinx!

Here we all are before the game.My two brothers on the left,Jeni and I on the right,our Grand sons in the middle, and our son and my brothers wife behind them. In spite of the loss,it was a great day. Jeni and I enjoyed the weekend with our family in So Cal.It has been 7 months since we last saw them.....Way too long! Back at the park, Jeni and I keep busy. Me with Maintenance and her with her committees.Its all about comeroderie.Jeni and I have always said, if we lived in a house we would not have met all these wonderful friends. And we would not be as active as we are here.I've learned in retirement you have two choices,you can relax and be sediment and take it easy,or you can live your golden years as an active,engaged person enjoying life in a vibrant active community like Park Sierra. We are staying at the park for Thanksgiving.helping with the dinner and enjoying our extended family.We are planning to spend Christmas with our family down in Sacramento. Then in January the big family cruise with all of us for 5 days.What a fun winter. In February Jeni and I will travel to Arizona for a month to see her brothers and sisters.Yea,its all about the road trips.That's for sure.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Happy Halloween

Well,Jeni has been a busy girl decorating for Halloween.This is her best time of year as she puts up decorations for Halloween,Thanksgiving,and Christmas.The coach windshield will be festive from now til New Years.The people in the park really enjoy her efforts and remark how beautiful our site looks.

Park Sierra held its annual Halloween party Monday night. With some strange characters attending.There was"Fat Friar Tuck"(me) and"Sister Mary"(Jeni).This had to set Religion back a hundred years!

Dracula,looking as pale as ever

New members Niles and Jennifer as Santa and Mrs. Elf.

And, the ugliest,homliest,women I have ever seen.A years supply of beer wouldn't get me to go out with her! Actually its my buddy Wally,there's nothing wrong with his manhood! I don't know how he got that crown,but whoever bestowed that on him,I mean her ,must of been blind!

This looks very familiar,"why is my back starting to hurt"It looks like some kind of form or something...... could it have something to do with the maintenance dept?......Oh well I will have to investigate this matter.
Wait a minute,I see a truck pulling up.What could this mean? The guys are waving me over."What do you guys want"?

OH MAN! I'm pouring concrete again!I thought I was retired.
OH MAN,I'm on my knees again.Poor "Philly!"
Actually I don't mind doing a little cement work to help the park out. It keeps me young ,if only in my Heart.
The weather has been perfect this fall and it is nice to sit outside and visit with the members exchanging summer travel adventures and Grand kid stories with them. This weekend we are off to Riverside to see Dan and the Grandsons.We are meeting up with them and my two Brothers and Martha to go to the ASU-UCLA football game in LA. Saturday, We haven't seen Dan and the boys since last spring so it is high time.
Well,it is "coffee time"for us as we have an afternoon cup of flavored coffee when the temp isn't too warm outside....Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Jeni resumed her work with the "Disaster preparedness committee".She manned the booth at the "meet the committee fair" on Saturday.she made up the poster detailing the mission statement of her committee and handed out flyer's.The object of the fair was to gain new members.She did a great job. Of coarse you couldn't keep me away,I took advantage of the hamburgers and homemade potato salad they had for lunch."Wimpy" of Popeye fame would of been proud.This was also election week with 4 new board members voted in this week. The park is so full they are putting guests in the boondock area. There are no sites available! The election and new board meeting was Thursday.Friday was the election dinner and "live theatre"put on by a local theatre group. Saturday was the "committee fair"and lunch,and Sunday was the"hitch up breakfast".Yes were back,and the fun is just beginning.What a great place to "winter".AH,back home!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Homeward Bound

Our summer travels are winding down and it is time to head south for the winter.We have had a fun summer with our Oregon travels and hosting.Collier State Park has been another great place to camp host.If your thinking of hosting somewhere,Oregon is the state to host in.We will be back.Jeni and I thank all the great people we worked with this summer.And a special thanks to Andy Wells at Viento,Tom Peterson at Deschutes,and Joel Brain at Collier for their friendship and dedication to keep the Oregon park system the best!

Volunteering keeps us young and productive in our silver years(not 65 yet!} I've done everything.Driving tractors,mowing,landscaping,painting,
concrete work,and small repair work on the equipment.At my own pace.Jen has been in there with me.We are a team,we share the duties and she pulls her share.Were the "dream Team" of hosting!

Jeni took this picture of me working on a picnic table at Collier.She named it"I've fallen and I can't get up!"Actually she didn't know it but I was taking a nap.

We left Collier on Thursday and headed south on hwy 97. We stopped at the casino and travel center for propane and some breakfast,we headed into California. Jeni got a great picture of Mount Shasta as we crossed the border.Beautiful scenery on the 97.

We spent the night at rolling hills casino by Redding.It was so hot that instead of boondocking in their parking lot,we stayed in their RV park for $25.It was well worth the price to have AC. The next day we rolled into Campworld,stayed the night there,and in to Beals point State Park Saturday for 2 or 3 days in site #55. Saturday night we had all the kids over for a BBQ.I BBQd hamburgers and my favorite, Costco hot dogs!

My Grandson DJ and I discussed politics,and played with his lego's.He has a very mechanical mind like his dad. He analyses things and finds a way to make things fit.He will have a bright future at fixing things,so "unphilly like!" He is my "partner."

My Granddaughter Alyx and her boyfriend Cody stopped by for some food before their homecoming dance. They look sharp and Alyx looks elegant in her gown.Cody has to be a "mans man to pull off wearing pink but he is confident and...He is pretty big....I'm not telling him he can't!

We had a great time catching up with summer stuff.My daughter Jackie(DJ"s mom) was giving Cody and Alyx her dance secrets.It was great to see everyone,and be back in Sacramento.Sunday we went over to Dustin,Jackie,and DJ's house for football and BBQ.My son in law is an excellent cook.BBQ is his specialty.He made "Sliders and Bratwurst.About 9pm ole Grandpa's eyes got droopy so we said our goodbyes and we went back to our site at Beals. Monday we took it easy.Jen and I had some things we had to take care of.I had to find a place to get the rig smogged,Jen had some banking to do and I had to sign up for Social Security. Yes,I'm about to go on "Uncle Sams dime!"I think its time,and thats fine. Hey did I just write a verse for a poem.....Naw. We were going to have dinner at Billy,Daughter katie,and Alyx's house Monday night but poor Kate works til 8pm and We are going to stay over to get the rig smogged Tuesday,so we decided to have dinner Tuesday night and leave Wednesday morning.Tuesday we got up early and moved the rig over to Orangevale to smog it .Jeni went over to Katie's to pick her up and run some errands. I got the smog done and drove the rig back to the park and re hooked everything up.The weather looks like rain here and I'm hoping it holds off til we get out of here tomorrow.We will be heading home to Park Sierra for the winter. What a great summer we have had and we have lots of places to go this winter,Phoenix,San Diego,A cruise with the family,and Sacramento and Riverside for some "Grand Kid time!"But now,tomorrow were Homeward Bound!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Crater Lake and hiking Collier

Hi from beautiful Crater lake.Jen and I finally made it up here after two failed trips last year because of weather. One of the Rangers at Collier had told me that September was the best month to see Crater lake because" the snow just stopped falling and its just before the snow starts falling again." It was a perfect clear late summer day and we made the most of it.

The lake is rugged.unlike Lake Tahoe there is no way to get down to the water as the slope is so steep and unstable.It is the deepest lake in the United States at some 1900ft.deep.Unlike some volcano's that blow their top off when they erupt,this one actually erupted and imploded leaving a huge sunken hole. With all the snow and rain,it filled up and created this beautiful,blue,calm lake

In the picture you can see patches of snow around part of the lake.The little island is called Wizard Island. It was formed when the volcano top collapsed and hot lava oozed upward creating a little spot of land.You can drive around the lake in about 2 hours.There are numerous pull off view points all along the rim.There is a boat ride you can take right on Crater Lake but to get down to the boat is a rugged one mile steep trail...too tough for us!

The next day,after our Crater lake visit,we decided to hike the trail at Collier.I told Jeni"follow me,I know exactly which way to go"OH YEA,that was the "kiss of death!"After a half hour of going the wrong way and not seeing anything resembling a trail,Jeni said "STOP!"That look said one thing,Better let her lead the way!

Finally,I blazed the trail and got us#?*#!%*!ok,ok,Jeni got us on the trail along the Williamson river which lazily meanders through the park. Spring creek also flows through the park and connects to the Williamson.That's Jeni way over there on the wooden bridge that connects the campground trail to the logging museum.

Another bridge spans Spring creek from the campground trail to the day use area of the park.

This is the hwy 97 bridge that spans Spring creek.Because the park encompasses both sides of the hwy,there are trails on both sides of the creek that pass under the bridge.

We stopped over to the gift shop at the museum to visit with gift shop hosts Vern and Geri.They are parked right next to us in the campground so we have become close.They don't have satellite TV so Jeni has been lending them DVD's to watch.Anyway,I left Jeni 5 minutes to go to the restroom,and what does she do,She falls into the arms of a "bear of a man!" "Get off him!" "I think I could take him?"

Fishing is popular here and most are fly fishing where Spring creek merges with the Williamson river.What a beautiful spot.One of the other hosts showed me a spot back up river to catch some big Rainbow Trout.Sure enough there were 20 or 30 fish in this spot.The water was so clear you could see them just suspended in the shade side bank of the river.I got out my pole and started casting.After the 200th cast,it was apparent the big trout weren't interested.They would chase my lure as I reeled it in,even give it a bump.but no takers.That's OK though. A day just fishing beats any day working.

This is our site in the campground.We are nestled in the ponderosa pines which provide shade and music when the wind blows. All us hosts are right at the entrance to the campground.We are the "service hosts",we do little projects like fixing picnic tables,painting,and general cleanup 3 days a week.The other 2 days we camphost for the park hosts on their days off.The gift shop hosts,Vern and Geri are right beside us,the park hosts,Bob and Carol are right across the street from us,and the Maint.and repair hosts,Greg and Jo are next to them.They are all great and we have all bonded together.every Sunday we all meet for breakfast at a little place"Malita"a couple miles down the road.

One thing about Oregon State parks,they always have a place to hang our sign.A friendly reminder to the campers that Phil and Jeni are on duty and ready to help them in any way we can.Our motto,"If your not having fun,your doin it wrong".What a great life this is."Ya don't like your neighbors,too many mosquito's,too hot,ya just pull in the slides,pull up the jacks,start the engine,and go somewhere else!

This picture is for my Grandson DJ.He loves the park "gators" the rangers give us to drive.This one is different because it only has one wheel in the front.It is kind of hard to steer.I like the 4 wheel Gators better.

Let me introduce you to the cute little golden mantle chip monk.These little fella's are protected by the state of Oregon and they are everywhere here in the park.As you are sitting out in your comfy lounge chair,enjoying a "cold one" and a snack,here they come.before you know it they have charmed you out of your snack and are looking for more.CUTE....I think not!

Jeni is painting one of the picnic shelters in the day use area of the park.I took this picture to show everyone that our volunteer duties are not work but fun.You go at your own pace. You work when and how long you want.If you can't do it,don't do it.Do what you can,Some days Jen and I feel great,we get a lot done,some days we don't,it doesn't matter.We are just volunteers. Where am I in this picture,uh,uh,don't tell Jen but I'm right behind the picnic shelter,at the river.......fishing! until next post live by our motto,Have Fun.See Ya.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Welcome to Collier State Park

We made it to our next hosting assignment,Collier State Park.A beautiful area of south central Oregon just 35 miles north of Klamath Falls. The park is just off hwy 97 in the rugged ponderosa pine forest. I apologize for the quality of our pictures as the Internet up here is very slow and unreliable. The park has 68 campsites 53 which are full hookups.The park also features a big grassy day use area with a creek and a river bordering the day use area.

The big attraction for the park is its logging museum,one of the largest collection of artifacts from logging's hay day back in the 1800's.The museum has a quaint gift shop,modern restroom facilities,and many informative kiosks
like the one Jeni is standing next to.We spent the whole day here learning about the history of the rugged loggers and their lifestyle.It was hard,backbreaking,dangerous work.The living conditions were bare minimum at best.

On the weekends the park has guided tours of the museum.Jeni and I took one to learn more about this bygone era,and the machinery that moved the trees from forest to mills. The guy standing next to me is the "gift shop host" Vern. He and his wife Geri work in the gift shop and give tours of the museum on weekends.He is on duty as he has his hosting vest on. Jeni and I are off today so no vest!

This is some of the equipment the loggers used. This is a loader that suspends the fresh logs and loads them on a train flat car.

This is one of the meager cabins the loggers lived in.

This is the modern restroom facilities the loggers had back in the 1800's

This is an early 1800's steam engine
that hauled the logs out of the forest.

Another log sled that ran on rails.

Another steam sled!

This is a tandem saw on rails to cut down the trees deep in the forest.(sorry about the quality of the picture)

No this isn't a civil war cannon,It is another piece of equipment that gets the logs out of the forest and to the mill.They put the the log on the rail of the wagon and oxen or horses pulled it out of the forest to the mill.
Well enough about the museum,We have a beautiful site by the other hosts.There are four hosts including us. We are the "service hosts",we do odd jobs around the park like painting,fixing picnic tables,and general cleanup.Two days a week we relieve the camp hosts.There is a "maint. and repair host,a gift shop host,a camp host, and us.
Jeni really likes it here because they have a laundry right in the campground.Shopping is 35 miles away in Klamath Falls.The hosts here are really social partly because we a situated so close to each other in the campground.Every Sunday we all go down to a little "greasy spoon" Malita's,a couple miles down the road for breakfast.All in all we really like it here and we plan on doing a lot of sight seeing while were here.This is a pleasant surprise finding this spot for our September hosting,a diamond in the rough,Welcome to Collier State Park!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Fish, Trains, and Museums

Finally after being shutout in July,the fishing turned better in August.I caught these 2 beauties on the Columbia river. A 20lb Salmon and a 10lb Steel head. After buying an out of state fishing licence that cost $100, and catching nothing in July,Jeni was heckling me like a"Phillies baseball fan!"but Thanks to my fishing buddy Greg,with his knowledge of the Columbia the pressure is off.I have filled the freezer for the winter! All that's left is cleaning them.I enlisted the help of my better half for this job...SHE WAS ESTA TIC!

Before we left Deschutes,we had one last dinner with our good friends Stan,Diane,and their lovely daughter Jenny.And of course little Mikey.Stan is one proud Grandpa.Jeni and I will really miss them all.

This is a picture of Jenny's home in Washington. We spent many afternoons here this summer enjoying their hospitality.It is a beautiful place,Jeni and I just love it here.

Meet Pedro! He was a lost dog at the park that nobody claimed. The Rangers asked us if we could keep an eye on him til the owner comes.....Humm where have we heard this before.Back some 30 something years ago,my brother and his wife stopped in for the holidays from Portland.They had found this dog wandering the streets so they flew it down with them and asked us to keep it for us til they flew back home unaware to us that the dog had a one way ticket! Long story short,we had taffy for 17 years.....I still owe you one Gary and Martha! Needless to say,Pedro made himself at home....Until we found out Pedro wasn't housebroke.....OUT!
Needless to say,Pedro wore out his welcome.I am happy to report that Pedro did find a home.

One of the things Jeni and I wanted to do was visit the "Living history Museum" in the Dalles before we left. We saw some of the local Raptors,a Great horned owl,

And a Red tailed Hawk.

Jeni really liked this display of this little river boat that used to ply the Columbia back in the 1800"s

We also rode the Hood River Train to Parkdale one afternoon.

Jeni loved it!

A beautiful view of Mt. Hood and a plush setting on board.

Of course I had to give the engineer instructions on how to handle this "baby",I quickly exited the train after it was apparent the engineer was not going to take my advise!

Jeni really enjoyed herself.We have to do this again.

Well our time here at Deschutes is over and we embark on a new adventure at Collier Memorial state park down by Klamath Falls. We have really enjoyed this place and consider this place as our favorite camp hosting job so far . We will be back in the near future.A special thanks to Rangers Jim,Tom,Bruce,Connie,and David for their guidance,and friendship. You are the best!
Its on to Collier and our next assignment as Service Hosts for the month of September. New adventures await us,and maybe even a trip to Crater Lake(weather permitting). So we go from fish,trains,and museums to Ponderosa pines, saw mills,and national parks. The fun never ends for P&J in Oregon!
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