Jeni resumed her work with the "Disaster preparedness committee".She manned the booth at the "meet the committee fair" on Saturday.she made up the poster detailing the mission statement of her committee and handed out flyer's.The object of the fair was to gain new members.She did a great job. Of coarse you couldn't keep me away,I took advantage of the hamburgers and homemade potato salad they had for lunch."Wimpy" of Popeye fame would of been proud.This was also election week with 4 new board members voted in this week. The park is so full they are putting guests in the boondock area. There are no sites available! The election and new board meeting was Thursday.Friday was the election dinner and "live theatre"put on by a local theatre group. Saturday was the "committee fair"and lunch,and Sunday was the"hitch up breakfast".Yes were back,and the fun is just beginning.What a great place to "winter".AH,back home!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Homeward Bound

Our summer travels are winding down and it is time to head south for the winter.We have had a fun summer with our Oregon travels and hosting.Collier State Park has been another great place to camp host.If your thinking of hosting somewhere,Oregon is the state to host in.We will be back.Jeni and I thank all the great people we worked with this summer.And a special thanks to Andy Wells at Viento,Tom Peterson at Deschutes,and Joel Brain at Collier for their friendship and dedication to keep the Oregon park system the best!

Volunteering keeps us young and productive in our silver years(not 65 yet!} I've done everything.Driving tractors,mowing,landscaping,painting,
concrete work,and small repair work on the equipment.At my own pace.Jen has been in there with me.We are a team,we share the duties and she pulls her share.Were the "dream Team" of hosting!

Jeni took this picture of me working on a picnic table at Collier.She named it"I've fallen and I can't get up!"Actually she didn't know it but I was taking a nap.

We left Collier on Thursday and headed south on hwy 97. We stopped at the casino and travel center for propane and some breakfast,we headed into California. Jeni got a great picture of Mount Shasta as we crossed the border.Beautiful scenery on the 97.

We spent the night at rolling hills casino by Redding.It was so hot that instead of boondocking in their parking lot,we stayed in their RV park for $25.It was well worth the price to have AC. The next day we rolled into Campworld,stayed the night there,and in to Beals point State Park Saturday for 2 or 3 days in site #55. Saturday night we had all the kids over for a BBQ.I BBQd hamburgers and my favorite, Costco hot dogs!

My Grandson DJ and I discussed politics,and played with his lego's.He has a very mechanical mind like his dad. He analyses things and finds a way to make things fit.He will have a bright future at fixing things,so "unphilly like!" He is my "partner."

My Granddaughter Alyx and her boyfriend Cody stopped by for some food before their homecoming dance. They look sharp and Alyx looks elegant in her gown.Cody has to be a "mans man to pull off wearing pink but he is confident and...He is pretty big....I'm not telling him he can't!

We had a great time catching up with summer stuff.My daughter Jackie(DJ"s mom) was giving Cody and Alyx her dance secrets.It was great to see everyone,and be back in Sacramento.Sunday we went over to Dustin,Jackie,and DJ's house for football and BBQ.My son in law is an excellent cook.BBQ is his specialty.He made "Sliders and Bratwurst.About 9pm ole Grandpa's eyes got droopy so we said our goodbyes and we went back to our site at Beals. Monday we took it easy.Jen and I had some things we had to take care of.I had to find a place to get the rig smogged,Jen had some banking to do and I had to sign up for Social Security. Yes,I'm about to go on "Uncle Sams dime!"I think its time,and thats fine. Hey did I just write a verse for a poem.....Naw. We were going to have dinner at Billy,Daughter katie,and Alyx's house Monday night but poor Kate works til 8pm and We are going to stay over to get the rig smogged Tuesday,so we decided to have dinner Tuesday night and leave Wednesday morning.Tuesday we got up early and moved the rig over to Orangevale to smog it .Jeni went over to Katie's to pick her up and run some errands. I got the smog done and drove the rig back to the park and re hooked everything up.The weather looks like rain here and I'm hoping it holds off til we get out of here tomorrow.We will be heading home to Park Sierra for the winter. What a great summer we have had and we have lots of places to go this winter,Phoenix,San Diego,A cruise with the family,and Sacramento and Riverside for some "Grand Kid time!"But now,tomorrow were Homeward Bound!
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