Here are some pictures of the project WOW has named "the North Slope Extension".

We built up the area about 5 feet and it formed a nice ridge that overlooks the surrounding area.

This the picnic area we are developing in a grove of Manzanita's.

Well enough about WOW,Hey....Jen and I are headed to Arizona for a month.We will be visiting family and soaking up that Arizona sun! I gave the "Ole rig" a nice bath and a "wax job"this week. Doesn't she sparkle. Ten years old and the rig still looks new! We will be staying in Phoenix this year instead of Wickenburg as in past years. It was such a long drive in to see family from Wickenburg. We got a place closer on I-17 and Deer Valley rd.

We sure like our site here at the park.A lot of people have switched sites one or two times but we are content right here.For us, this site is ideal.
Well,back to the drama part I was telling you about in the first part of the post. Yesterday morning ,in a scene resembling a "navy seal raid", our board of directors terminated the contracts of our park manager John Olson and office manager Taria(I don't know her last name).The information we received was that the board took this action because of non compliance. No other info was available and the board president is currently out of the park. Although the park manager was on thin ice by all accounts,The members are all in shock. the office manager termination was a real"'stunner" as she has been here 14 years.I take it we are moving in a new direction Mr. President! Jeni and I are leaving at the right time as maybe when we get back from AZ.the park will be back to normal and new Managers in place. We do not know the circumstances surrounding the terminations so we are staying neutral on this development for now.Yesterday reminded me of watching a soap opera unfolding.Hey...maybe we can start our own reality show starring our own members......The title...."AS THE PARK TURNS!"