I start this post with a comment about our beloved Park of the Sierras.Their nice promo pamphlet of the amenities of the park has one typo in it.A minor glitch if your an easterner,but alas I am not.To me its a big oversight on the parks part. A glaring mistake I want corrected now.No, not the typo, the actual event.The typo wrongly states that the park is "above the fog below the
SNOW". The fog I can deal with but that snow has to go! OK,I've said my Peace. I'm good now.
February has been busy with Jeni putting on her"movie nights",Valentines day,the "Super Bowl",and other doings at the park.Our summer plans are set,we will be working at "Yosemite Pines RV resort from may til October.This will be our first workamping adventure where we will receive money.All our previous jobs have been volunteer jobs.We will leave the park for Yosemite Pines right after "Stage Coach Days" which is our annual fundraiser for the park.Here are some pictures from February.
This is our hard working volunteer propane crew.They collect our tanks,fill them,and deliver them back to our site.We have 252 sites so that's a lot of propane to deliver.Hats off to you guys! |
This is Nemo,he is 5ft long by 3ft high. He is cruising around our RV! Somebody donated him to the park,so Jeni got nominated to operate him for our Valentines day party.He is remote controlled.Jeni did a great job flying him around our clubhouse. |
This is the snow storm that hit us earlier this week......I Hate SNOW! |
Jeni and I exchanging our valentine gifts |
Not a lot of photos this month,but we will have more in March.We have a trip to Riverside to celebrate our 2 Grandson's birthdays,St. Patricks day,Movie Nights,and other park doings going on for March.Hopefully the weather will cooperate.No more snow because we are "above the fog and below the snow!