Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Life at Folsom Lake

After our first three days on the job,we got the next nine days off as we switched schedules with one of the other camphosts so they could be off.We got to spend some quality time with our Grandson DJ.and Granddaughter Alyx.I would get up early in the morning and DJ would be awake

and we would head down to the "day use"area and explore the dry lake bottom.We had to bundle up both mornings as it was in the mid 20s and breezy.
With the 9 days off we got most of our Christmas shopping done.In the few times we were out,we noticed that the crowds were down compared to past years.With the economy,we have had to cut back on the value of our gifts too.
Our Daughter Katie is having Christmas dinner at her house and we will have all the kids there together for the first time in a long time.
The lake is as low as I have ever seen it.With the construction of the levees and the droug

We got word that we are now #5 on the list at Park Sierra.We have to call into the office each Wednesday to see if there is a space available.We might be in by January,a lot sooner than we thought.When were in we will drive down to the park to pay our money,check our site out,and head back to Folsom.We probably won't return to the park until next October,as after we fin

With the recent rain and snow,the park has really turned green, luscious,and beautiful.When spring arrives,the park will be in full bloom.It is the best time to be here.
After spending the last several winters down south,it takes some getting used to spending winter up here.It is great seeing the kids and spending the holidays with them.But,I can't wait til spring!Until then,we will have to bundle up and endure the cold and rain.Such is life at Folsom Lake.
Monday, December 7, 2009
SNOW #$%^&*

The park actually looked real "christmas like"and our first day was quiet.Hopfully it will warm up soon.
Because of the economy,and the camping rates

now.I left Jeni in the kiosk and I set out to find somthing to do.Finally 2:30pm came around and we were off the clock.We headed back to the RV to get warm as the temp was 39 degrees.I took a couples of pictures of the snow.It is highly unusual for Sacramento.In 20yrs living here, I only remember one time that we had snow.
If we can get through the winter,spring is beautiful here.One brite spot is we get to see more of our grandkids Alyx,and DJ.
Friday, December 4, 2009
at Folsom Lake

After breakfast we picked up the RV, (that's the fastest I've ever got service on the RV) and headed toward the lake.We also had to get the RV "smogged,gased up,get propane,and take back the trailer that we used to bring the golf cart here, before we went into the park.I had set as side the whole day for everything,but from the time we started at campworld at 8am til we dropped off the trailer,it only took 2 hrs.WOW!that was record time.By noon we were in our site at Beals Point state park at Folsom Lake.Site#D.I took a couple of pictures of our site.It's the same one we had when we "camphosted here back in 05 and 06.It's very spacious,full hookups,50amp elec.and paved level sites.The" big brown mound"you see behind our coach in the picture,is the levee they are working on to raise the level of the lake.There used to be big trees in front of that levee but because of the const.,they had to remove them.What a shame as we used to love to watch the "red tailed"hawks up in those trees swoop down in search of prey.Wednesday we got settled in,met with the other camphosts,Ken&Barb and Jerry&Deb.We had worked with them both when we were here a few years ago.The Rangers came by and got us signed up,gave us our camphost hats and badges and cleared us for duty.That afternoon we met with the camphosts at our site to formulate a schedule that we all agreed on.We all agreed on 3 days on 6 days off.We Will start Monday morning 9:30am til 2:30pm.
The lake is usually very beautiful here but because of all the construction,and the drought,it is very low.Wednesday night,we had the grand kids over,Alyx and DJ.for KFC chicken.It was good to see them and we really missed them while we were away but now that we will be here for awhile,"LET THE SPOILING BEGIN"!
Thurs.morning we went up to the Kiosk to get trained for our assigned tasks as camphosts.Mostly we will be manning the Kiosk 3 days a week.This used to be done by Park aids,but because of the severe budget cuts,the park can't afford to pay them so they are using the volunteer camphosts.It's a great idea and hopefully more parks will adopt this novel approach.
Thurs. night we got to watch DJ while our daughter and son in law went Christmas shopping for him.I love it at their house as they have a big screen TV.I watched the Oregon vs Oregon st. football game for the rose bowl.It was a great game.
Jeni already has the Christmas lights up and the RV dash decorated.I always complain that she over does it but it does look great and festive.I noticed that after our lights were up the other hosts and campers put theirs up.That a girl Jen!
This morning we have chores to do as laundry,shopping,and cleaning the coach are in order.We are glad to be here but Jeni and I were saying last night that we sure miss the folks at Park Sierra.We are now #9 on the list,so it won't be long and we will have a "home base."
The weather here has been cool but sunny so far.We weren't fond of winters here when we lived here as the rain and fog in Dec,Jan,and Feb made it dreary.They say "you can never go home",but for now we are going to try to make it work.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving

The park had a breakfast a few Saturdays ago and we helped out as they were shorthanded. We were on the "egg crew".Jeni cracked and I cooked about 250 eggs!It was yummy.They served biscuits&gravy,eggs,and sausage.
Last Friday we headed to Pasadena to meet up with the family for our annual ASU college football game.This year they are playing UCLA in the Rose Bowl.Saturday before the game,we had breakfast at a delightful little diner called "Russell's."Clockwise from the left that's our son Dan and grandson Nevin,me,Jeni,my sister in law Martha, brother Gary,grandson Aiden,brother Larry,and Dans friend Mark.What a "motley

Our plans have changed for Thanksgiving.We are staying at the park instead of going to Riverside as we had planned.This is our last week here at the park.We will leave Monday for Folsom and our winter job at Folsom lake state park.We have had a wonderful time workamping here at Park Sierra.We have made some great friends here and when we become members we will already know the ropes.
This week the Maintenance dept decided that since this was my last week here, we will pour concrete!Tuesday we poured two slabs and some footings.The slabs were for containment pads for
their gas and diesel tanks.The footings were for

a cover over the parks historic stagecoach by the clubhouse.It was the first time I actually had to "finish" concrete in a long time.Jeni took some pictures of our "motley crew'.I really enjoy working with all the guys here.For me, work has to be a part of my life.that's why the park will be a perfect fit when we are members.Jeni and I can't wait to become members.
Wednesday,Jeni helped prepare the turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner here at the park.They cooked 11 turkeys in all.The clubhouse had the

delicious smell of thanksgiving feast.Thanksgiving day we are helping out again,serving turkey dinner to about 130 people in the park.
To everyone,from Jeni and I,HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bird Watching

Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Party

The movie was "Frankenstein"the Mel Brooks version.Jeni and I had seen it before so we didn't hang around for the movie but we sure had a

The picture of the "white haired"Wizard and his assistant is my buddy Wally and his wife Verna.And his purple hat does talk! They had the best costumes at the party by far.Everybody that wore a costume received a gift........what else,a big candy bar!More Sugar!Jeni and I both went to bed that night with "electric legs".
Speaking of Wally and Verna,The productions and plays they put on at the park here,Verna directs all of them and Wally stars in most of them.They are the type of people that keep the park young and active.Wally is also at the Pole Barn almost every morning with maintenance

crew doing what he can.They just two of the great group of people that makes up this great park.
You gotta love RV's and the" morons" that make em.I have had a water leak under the refrigerator in the drawer below it and at the entry stairs.I suspected the fridge so I pop ed the cover off the compartment outside.After I removed a ton of ""spray on installation"(you know the stuff that expands 50% after you spray it on) it occured to me that somebody(the morons) didn't read the can!Anyway, I found that the drain line from the fridge was never connected just "nuzzled" up close to the vent cover so that maybe it would drain out the vent(if the coach was slanted that way.)I fixed that! And the ice maker line where it goes in to the regulator was leaking.........the problem.............the" paper thin "supply line has a bunch of pin holes in it! Couldn't they put in a standard supply line that your home fridges come with?......MORONS!
OK I'm off my soap box for now.Jen and I have been enjoying the great fall weather here.Sunday we took a drive to a little town we heard about,Raymond Ca.Jeni had visions of quaint little shops and gourmet eateries but alas,it was a one horse town.just a little farming community.But the drive was nice.One thing,my wallet is still intact(no shopping)but we made the mistake of checking out a casino we heard of just northeast of Fresno."Table mountain Casino".Oh yea!that was a great idea.My poor wallet!
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Pumpkin Patch

Saturday evening we Babysat D.J.My most tiring day at work(before I retired),can't compare to a night of babysitting the grandson!Playing trucks,wrestling,bath time,and trying to get him to bed.Whew! We slept like a baby.
Sunday morning we headed out early for park sierra as we had a barbecue to go to.
With the onset of fall,the park members are

flocking back to the park.Where we only had a
handful of volunteers at the pole barn this summer,we have had 18 to 20 volunteers this week.With more people in the park there has been more activities going on.Saturday night is Halloween potluck dessert and movie night.Costumes optional.Were going as "pirates" RRRRR matie!
We have a month left here as workampers and we have really enjoyed it here.Hopefully when we come back next summer we will be members.We heard back from the rangers at Folsom lake. We are accepted and cleared to start Dec. 1st.If you are in the area Dec. to April,stop in and see us in site#54
When we were in Sac. last Saturday I took a couple of pictures of our old house.It is my Daughter Jackie and her husband Dustin's house now.They have done a wonderful job of remodeling it.They have redone the inside and out and brought the old dinosaur to code.What caught my eye as Jeni and I drove up to the house,the new paint job.It's amasing what a paint job can do.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
harvest festival at park sierra

Well to our surprise, we won first place for the best decorated cart. We were thrilled!
We have had a ball these last three days with the harvest festival.It started Thursday with the annual meeting.Then elections for the new

Friday morning we headed the cart over to the clubhouse for the poker run and deco. contest(which as I said earlier we won). I took a picture of the parking lot it was full of carts and cars.They had all kinds of activities going on in the clubhouse and outside Jeni and I were competing in the golf cart "poker run" They give you a map with 5 stations marked on it.you drive

Back at the clubhouse we were in the cake walk which I won a very nice sour cream peach bundt cake.yummy!Another event we enjoyed was the pony races.Six people held wooden horse heads (made by my buddy Gary) and stood at the starting line,then the the race official(my buddy Gary) rolls two different color dice. One color is

Friday night they had a delicious pork dinner with mashed potato's and mushroom gravy and veges.They served over 200 people.The clubhouse was at capacity.The hard working volunteers had us all fed in no time at all.This park runs on it's hard working members and our hats are off to all of them.Jeni even volunteered Friday pulling K P duty at the hot dog stand(I ate 2 foot longs!yummy)and she played security guard at the raffle prize table f

Me, I just played games and ate hot dogs.But if somebody needed something I was their Man!The guy who runs these dinners for the members is Ed George(in the blue apron)He does a great job.The pork loin he prepared for the dinner was the best I've ever tasted.The price of this gourmet dinner including coffee and dessert,5 bucks,what a deal!
After we chowed down it was time for entertainment.the members put on a variety show called "Hillside hillbilly hoedown".What a hoot.They have some very talented people at this park.
after the play we headed home very tired but with great memories of the harvest Festival of

Saturday morning we went over to the clubhouse for the "hitch up" breakfast. this is the end of the harvest Festival and all the guests will be hooking up and leaving today.What a great three days we have had.
Today also happens to be our wedding anniversary. 39 years! wow it seems like just yesterday.We went to dinner at a nice little Italian restaurant in Oakhurst called Decicci's.On hwy 41.I highly recommend it. Then we headed home to watch a movie Jeni bought earlier this week.We curled up on the couch and snuggled.and enjoyed the movie.I think it was called "the proposal".Life's Good!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Beautiful Weather

That cool red golf cart that we are sitting in,well it's ours! I bought that baby from one of the guys here I volunteer with. He moved out of the park so I made him an offer he couldn't refuse(actually Jeni did).It gets us around the park and even has an enclosure that drops down from the roof and zips up to keep you warm and dry when it rains.I have been driving it to the pole barn in the mornings and Jeni takes it when she works in the office.
Speaking of work; it has cooled off weather wise so the working has been easier and not as physical as during the last few weeks when it was so hot.It's something different every day so you never get bored.I also like the fact that you work with different people each day so you get to know pretty much everyone.

The weather has been so nice that Jeni and I have been having our morning coffee on our deck enjoying the birds and the spectacular views of the park.Our site is elevated so we look down over the surrounding area.The picture I took gives you an idea of our vantage point.It doesn't get any better than this!What a life we live.
next week the park is having a three day event called "Harvest Festival" in conjunction with their annual meeting and board election.They are having a "poker run" and decorating contest for golf carts,(Jeni and I are entered in both) a silent auction,games and contests,food, a Fri. night dinner feast,and movie night sat. night.It is going to be a ball.Jeni has signed up to volunteer at various venues during the festival.I will have pictures for this on the next blog for sure!
The park is filling up now as with the bad weather up north everybody is headed south.Jeni and I have been keeping busy after work as Tuesday night is "dinner out with the escapees" as the park members eat at a different restaurant in the area each week.Friday night is card night at the club house with two nice couples we have met.We play a variety of card games but I've been very lucky so far,no "hand and foot"! Saturday night we play a game called "pegs and jokers" it's kinda like "Chinese checkers" but with more twists and turns.All in all we are busy little bees,today we went in to Fresno to get some material for decorating the cart."Stay tuned" for the outcome!
Tuesday of this week we took the RV to Oakhurst to get it smog ed.Now I had called ahead to make sure this place could do it and there would be no surprises when we got up there,RIGHT! the first thing out of the guys mouth was he wasn't sure as we might have a rig that needs an "enhanced smog",WHAT! you have got to be kidding me just smog it!He would check my Vin number but everything was probably OK.YEA!,after about 20 minutes he let me know he couldn't smog it!!!.........After Jeni pulled me off the guy(just kidding) we headed back down the hill to the park.Lets see ,a 32 mile round trip,20 bucks in gas,and 2 hours shot,what a deal.another place I won't be going back to for sure.As I" steamed",Jeni reminded me of the beautiful park we are at,and the beautiful weather,I could feel the "ole"blood pressure coming back to normal. Lifes too short i'll put it behind me.OOOMMM-OOOMMM,
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
A moment in time. The wedding

Jeni and I would like to thank our family for all their hard work to make it a special day for Bill and Katie".Through thick and thin,good times and bad,you are always there for us;THANK YOU.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
site seeing

Next we headed for Oakhurst, a bigger town about 13 miles from Park Sierra. It has a Vons and Raleys grocery stores, banks, lots of great resturants, and a huge "true Value" hardware store. We checked out the stores but we didn't try the restaurants this time.Hwy 49 intersects hwy 41 right in town where it dead ends but you can take 49 and head north towards Mariposa and on north.
Before we started our adventure we had Breakfast
at our favorite place, "Chukchansi Gold" casino.

Monday we woke up to rain showers and much cooler weather. Once the rain cleared we sat outside and enjoyed our coffee on the little deck. It's been hot here this last week or so the cooler

We have met some great people here at the park and we have started playing cards on Friday nights in the "club house" with two other couples.
Tuesday nights the members have a "dinner out" where you sign up and they all meet at a different restaurant each week. We went this Tues. with them to Oakhurst to the "Sweetwater Steak House". We had a ball and the food was great.
When we first came into the park a couple of months ago,there were 150 people out of the park traveling,but now the park has more people in the park so more social activities have started. We now have bingo night and on Thursday evenings we play a game called "Peton", it is like "boccie but not as precise.after the game(men vs woman) we have a"potluck"barbecue.Lots to do here at Park Sierra.
Next week on Friday we are heading to Sacramento for Daughter Katie's Wedding. We are so excited! It will be an outdoor wedding and it will be an honor for me to walk her down the isle.
We should have pictures to share the following week.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fitting in

As with any community, fitting in and doing your share is essential to a great "park sierra "
experience.I enjoy going down to the "pole Barn" in the morning to meet up with my "peeps" and pair up for our "chores of the day".A quick cup of coffee and load up the Golf cart and we are off. I'm usually paired up with the other workamper Sean. His mother is a member of the park. He is about 20 years younger than I am and a great worker. We have been working on upgrading the water system at the park and that translates into lots of "hand digging".Combine this, the hot weather lately,and your coworker that is 20 years younger,"ole Phil" is having trouble keeping up! It is the hardest work I have done since Jeni and I started fulltiming!
I got a little too much heat yesterday and this morning Jeni said "only work til break time today'. I told her I would see how I felt,Hey, I'm "the man",I don't want to be embarrassed in front of my "peeps"right! Well I worked til break time,then me and my fellow "peeps"(workers) went to the clubhouse for cookies and coffee and I was confident that I could work til 1pm. I felt pretty "cocky"As we all walked through the doors at the clubhouse.Suddenly my "cocky attitude" took a turn straight south! There was Jeni sitting at our table!!! "What is she doing here!"Why is she sitting at our table!"Everybody set down, had a cookie ,and chatted with her as.I sat squirming in my chair,"what is she doing here!"As break time was over we all headed back toward the door when I felt these"eyes"boring into the back of my head.I turned around and Jeni was giving me "the look!"I knew I had to make a tough decision fast."Sorry boys I won't be going back to work with you today." My wife cares about my well being.that is not a bad thing.I had her take me home.I sure love her.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sacramento and back

Nothing but good news on the Doctor front for Jeni and I. We spent Thurs and Friday in Sacramento visiting our respective Dr's getting checkups.Boy I remember back when you only had one Doctor, now they are all specialists.Jeni and I each have three for our specific needs.Thank god for "union" insurance!
We headed back to Park Sierra Friday afternoon with our Daughter Jackie and grandson DJ in tow.They followed us and stayed with us Friday and Saturday.We had a great weekend with them. Jeni and DJ enjoyed the covered porch on our site as we just enjoyed the park ,played table games and barbecued.Sunday Jackie and DJ headed home and Jeni and I rested so we are ready to go Monday at the park.Speaking of workamping, Wednesday another workamper and I were locating a water valve in the park.It was for the main water supply and the park Mgr. wanted us to try turning it off and on to make sure it's working.They call it "exercising the valve."Well, I turned it and nothing.It would not move. I put a little muscle behind it and it started to turn.I put a little more pressure on it and "SNAP" Here came the water.LOTS OF WATER! I broke the valve and water was gushing everywhere! Panic set in." Where do I turn it off" as the only place you could turn it off at I thought was the one I broke! The park mgr. was not a" happy camper" he scrambled to get a set of plans to see if there was another way to get the water turned off. Meanwhile, 250 residents of the park had no.........WATER!!! I thought to myself as I stood there in shock,"this will be the shortest workamping job in history!"......"Jeni is going to kill me!" Lucky for me we located another valve and got the water turned off so we could fix the valve and get water to everyone.The park Mgr. said "it was no body's fault and all seemed well and I think I'm back in good graces with him.But,I have noticed the friendly people of the park have been waving at me with one finger,and their golf carts have been coming "Dangerously" close to me as I walk the park.....Hummm.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Park Sierra musings

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Workamping begins
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Good friends,good food,Damn Cards!
We got the news this week that we have been accepted for the" workamper"position here at the park.We will start on the 24th of August.and work through December.Jeni will work in the office a couple days a week and I will keep doing what I have been doing. Were so excited!
We had a nice surprise Thursday as our friends Stan and Diane Shelstead stopped in for a couple of days.They got the site right next to us.When Jeni got a call Wednesday from Diane saying they were stopping by for a couple of days,my first thought was "uh oh," She read my blog blaming her for my card playing woes",but when they arrived, not a word about my "slanderous"accusations in the blog! Hmm,maybe she didn't read it?
We all went out to dinner Thursday evening for Chinese food in Oakhurst,a liitle town east of the park.The park manager had suggested the place to Jeni and Diane when they were checking into the park.The food was great and the owners treated us like family.The husband and wife included us in their lively bantering between each other.The husband was putting up shade screens on the windows of the restaurant while his wife of oriental decent,and her broken english kept us laughing as she kept her husband ,the cooks,and the waitresses on the move.I think they all were related.Back at the park,those "dreaded" words were spoken by the ladies,"HAND AND FOOT ANYONE'! Stan and I "cringed",but we knew we were doomed.Cards!We decided to play over at the clubhouse at the park.Stan and I thought that a neutral card playing site might be just the advantage we need.......WRONG! We got whipped by the girls again!
Friday Stan and Diane got to enjoy the park while I did my volunteer thing and Jeni her Phy.Thrpy.thing.Diane made a nice dinner Friday evening,we had hamburgers and this "fabulous" coleslaw she made.She is a great cook.Last winter at the potlucks where we all volunteered,she made some "yummy dishes".
After dinner,what else; Cards! Stan and I took another "trashing" at the hands of the ladies."That card game sucks!"I hate it!" Well the girls took pity on us and decided we would play C.L.R. A dice game where you play with dimes and roll the dice and have four options,C-put your dime in the center,L-put your dime to the player on the left,R-put your dime to the player on the right,and -a dot- means you keep your dime.The object of the game,be the only player with dimes and win the pot which is the dimes in the center.We all had fun playing and the tension of the dreaded card "trashing" was gone.
Saturday morning,we said our good byes as Stan and Diane headed south for more adventures.Jeni and I were sad to see them leave as I think we have all grown to be good friends.Hopefully we can meet up with them this winter somewhere.
I gave Jeni a tour of the "pole Barn" Sat. afternoon.this is the huge maint.bldg.that us volunteers meet at to get our tools and instructions for the work day.She was surprised how big it was and how many tools they have.I will try to get a couple of pictures of it,to give you some idea of the place.
Saturday night they had a dinner at the clubhouse for all of us.They served "pork loin",mashed potato's,green beans,salad and ice cream for dessert,and coffee all for $7 bucks.What a deal.
We met a lot of new people and Jeni made some contacts for volunteer work.A guy I have been working with this past week,George is an avid golfer.I told him that I would get my clubs out of storage in Sacramento and play with him in a couple of weeks.A guy and his wife at our table from Florida wanted to play golf while they were here so I "hooked" them up with George.I don't know if George was happy about it or not.
Monday we leave for Riverside for a couple of days to see our son and hopefully the Grandsons.Jeni also has a Dr.appt.for her knee.We should be back in the park Wednesday.
I love this time of year for sports as the baseball pennant races are heating up and NFL football is back with the preseason games going on.I sure don't get much done around the house and I put on a few pounds as I turn into a "couch potato" this time of year,but it's the"buena vida" time of year for me.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A cool ride

While in Sac. we also got to spend time with our grand kids,Alyx and D.J.We played cards,read books(D.J's favorite) and the girls went shopping(Alyx's favorite).
I'm calling our friend Diane Shelstead! I want to let her know that I Hate that card game "hand and foot".

park ,when we all were volunteering out there last winter.I can't win! This weekend my wife,daughter,and granddaughter beat me every time.I consider myself a fair card player,but this game has my number! The last time I didn't finish last was with Stan(Diane's husband) when we played partners back in the spring!
I'm calling a "Shrink"!
My grandson D.J. loves "Monster trucks". He has about 27 toy replicas of them.he knows all their names and even the drivers names.He and I played with them but D.J.got irritated with me because I didn't know the different truck names. Hey,how can you remember names like "Monster

Well Saturday I had to pay our hotel bill at "Casa Jackie". Jackie and I washed and waxed her "Chevy Tahoe". It got the "showroom shine". Thanks to "ole"turtle wax!
I visited "campworld" in Rocklin Ca. for some supplies while in Sac. I am going to change out our "septic hoses" when we get back to the rig.
For just a few items,I spent a $100! How am I going to get this by Jeni.I can't get out of that place without spending a "bundle"!
Saturday night,after we finished the "Tahoe",and getting whipped at cards by the "gals"again,I decided to do something I enjoy,reading my grandson a book. We settled on the couch and began ,but as

I'm not sleeping,I am resting my eyes before the next sentence.Riiight!
Back at the park today,I met my buddies at the pole barn for work detail and Jeni had Physical Therapy for her knee.
I am really enjoying volunteering here at the park. The guys here are great.No word yet on the "workamping gig"yet,but we love it here anyway.We are #40 on the list for membership now which is still probably a year off but we will hang around and see what happens.