The shopping is done,the presents are wrapped,another Christmas is upon us.
Jeni and I reminisced that we have been together for 40 Christmases......that's a long time! Am I that old? Where does the time go?Hopefully we can enjoy many more.
This year we will have all the kids together for the holidays for the first time in a long time.My daughter Katie is having Christmas dinner for all of us.This will be a special one for us this year. I know I complain. about volunteering here in the winter,(cold wet weather) but it is nice being with our Sacramento family.Jeni and I are so lucky to be RVers,Able to freely travel the country being where we want when we want.
For the last couple of weeks,we have been watching all the Christmas movies on TV.You know,to get in the" ole" holiday spirit.The one thing I've noticed though,all those movies have happy endings.The guy got the girl,the family brought back together,the lost son that came home.The miracle of the holidays! All too often it doesn't happen in real life for some.On the tent side of the park we are volunteering at,it's too cold for tent camping but, we have people, homeless because of the economy,living out of their cars staying in the park.There are kids that won't have presents this year because their parents lost their jobs.Our homeless veterans living on the street, where are these people's Christmas miracle?Our family has had to cut back because of the economy this year, make do with less for Christmas, but we all have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and most importantly our health. This is our Christmas miracle.
Our family,as we gather this Christmas, will say a little prayer for the less fortunate in hopes that they too can have their own Christmas miracle. Merry Christmas to all!
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