It was a very quiet weekend for us as Jeni was homebound from her knee surgery.I went out a couple of times for supplies but basically it was a TV weekend.I got to watch a lot of baseball as Jeni did a lot of napping.By Sunday she was almost her "ole" self
except for the crutches. The "chief bottlewasher"was hoping
for a demotion but no such luck!Oh no!Jeni's ringing the bell again!
Sunday Dan brought his son Nevin over to the RV to visit.We probably talked their ears off as their the only people we had seen in 2-1/2 days.We wa

and his cohorts.as they solve the case.Another favorite of mine is Frazier with Kelsy Grammer.It ran for 11 years.another great cast.
It was a sad week for celebrities as Farrah Fawcett,Ed Mac man,Micheal Jackson,and celebrity"pitch man"Billy Mays passed away.I can't remember that many famous people passing away in such a short time span.
This morning I took Jeni to the DR.to see how her knee is doing.The DR. gave her the"thumbs up"She will still have to use the crutches for a few more days but we can finally get out and around.She will also take some physical therapy in a couple of weeks.After the DR. we went out to Dennys for breakfast.It's nice to be out among people again!
While I was getting a prescription filled for Jeni Last Friday,I was asked for an address by the pharmicist.I explained to her that we were fulltime RVers and our address wasn't exactly where we are now.She was puzzled."How do you live like that"?.I explained that we choose to live this life.I told her of the places we have been,places we have volunteered at,and the wonderful people we have met and volunteered with.Every morning we wake up and out our bedroom window may be the ocean,or the forest with a herd of deer ,or the desert with all its beauty,it could be the everglades,the rocky mountains,or a beautiful lake.In times of family needs we just get in our home and drive it where were needed.After thinking for a minute,the pharmicist said"thats a great way to travel and see the country."Does it cost alot", she said. I told her people of all income levels" fulltime"It's just depends on how you want to do it.Shes(the pharmacist)very young but when she gets older it might appeal to her.Yes we choose to live the RV life but it is because we can ,not because we have to.We do this while were young and able enouigh.We will know when it is time to "hang up the keys"and when that time arrives,we will have our memories of our RV life.
Hello its jamie souza. I love reading about your days together some day I hope jessie and I can make memories like you both. I am on my blackberry so please excuse the spelling and capitals. I would love to see you both when you come to town maybe we can have dinner all of us and katie. Jeni I hope your leg gets better. I hope someday jessie and I can make memories like you both. I have a new baby you both need to meet her name is josey the boys love her so does alyx. Life is going by so fast I now am thirty one omg. I graduated school and getting ready to take state board yea I am now a hairdresser any time you need some color or a trim I can do it up for you I am taking my test on the 14 of july I have a couple of places lined up for work I just don't know what place yet. Well I am glad you both are happy and doing what you want. Keep in touch with me I will check in on you both once a week. I was just sitting here all by myself my family is all asleep I just thought I would look you both up glad I did. Gives me hope that someday I can travel to.life is short live it to the fullest with someone you love like I said can't wait but I will be raising kids till I'm forty eight so maybe when I'm fifty jessie and I will travel. Xoxo jamie jessie josey philip hunter and cat diva
So Glad to hear from you.Hope someday you can RV.It's not for everyone but We wouldn't trade a day of it.hope we see you when we get to town,not sure when that will be right now.Thanks for your comments,We try to update the blog as often as we can.
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