Yesterday was Jeni's birthday so we loaded up the Grand Vitara and headed west and north.We took the I-10 west to Santa Monica,then jumped on hwy.1(the PCH) and headed north.The traffic was light except in downtown LA.On hwy.1 we checked out some of the state parks and beaches.Mcgrath state beach,just south of Ventura has 173 campsites and can accomadate big are just a short walk to the beach,and there are many hiking trails.No hookups are available but there is a dumpstation.Another great beach and campground we found was Broomhill state beach.the campsites are close to the ocean and the views are great. Again,no hookups.
We ended up in Ventura at the "Channel Islands National Park visiter center.We were hoping to take a tour over to one of the islands(there are 5 islands) but we got there too late.They did have what they called "an iteractive diving tour"where your in their auditorium watching the park rangers underwater at one of the islands with a live camera.we could actually talk with the divers and ask questions.We saw the biggest lobster we've ever seen as the ranger held him up to the camera for us.Because it's a preserve around the island,the ranger said the sea life is much bigger(no fish zone).The lobster he showed us had to go 10 to 12 lbs.easy!Their main focus of studies at the islands are the kelp forests underwater around the islands.All in all it was very interesting and we plan making it back soon to do a tour of the islands.
Well hunger set in so we found a"subway"(our favorite lunch)and headed in to Ventura harbor , found a free place to park,took our lawn chairs,lunch and sat on the beach enjoying the ocean and the afternoon breeze
As the sun was dropping into the late afternoon fog bank,we decided it was time to head back.We stopped in Malibu for dinner as we had a "hankerin" for some clam chowder.We couldn't pass up a photo op as we left town(see pic.)then we headed home.A quick stop for dessert (mickey D ice cream cone)and home safe.
I think Jeni had a great Birthday!
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