had a great time.
We headed out Sunday for Ventura Ca. Had dinner at the harbor and hit the motel as we had to catch the boat early Monday morning for the Channel Islands. We boarded and were treated to calm seas and a pleasant trip.
We headed out Sunday for Ventura Ca. Had dinner at the harbor and hit the motel as we had to catch the boat early Monday morning for the Channel Islands. We boarded and were treated to calm seas and a pleasant trip.
We saw sea lions, schools of dolphins, and the biggest thrill of all, two rare blue whales about fifty yards from our boat. These whales summer
in this area and winter in Costa Rica in South America. The boat trip is about three hours. We first

stopped at Santa Cruz Island.Then we headed to our destination Santa Rosa Island.
The pier at Santa Rosa was damaged so they had to shuttle us to land by these little speed boats. It's called a "wet " landing.
On the island you can go kayaking, hike the many trails, swim, or just lay on the pearl white sandy beaches. Jeni and Alyx chose the beach.Me, I went on a Ranger led hike. We hiked about three miles up to the top of the island where us hikers were treated to a beautiful view of the ocean and the surrounding islands.
There used to be a ranch on the island that raised cattle and sheep and I asked the Ranger why anyone would raise livestock on this island? He said" no predators."No mountain lions,coyotes,bears, and no rustlers! Makes sense I guess. Anyway, I hiked a little more at ease!
Well before we knew it, we were headed back to Ventura harbor. The captain stopped on the way back to take us to a place called " smugglers cove". There is a cave they call the "painted cove" We were amazed as he drove our 65 ft. boat about 150 to 200 ft. inside the cave! It was something right out of "pirates of the Caribbean" Assume!
We got back to the harbor at 6 p.m. tired but happy as we had a great day at sea.
Tuesday morning we slept in but when we woke it was time to pack up and head for "Hollywood" as Alyx has always wanted to see "tinsel town". We headed south on the 101 then got on the 405 and exited on Wilshire Blvd. We picked up the Sunset Strip and headed into "Beverly hills". We picked up one of those "map of the stars" and toured the mansions of the stars. Then we went to Rodeo drive where the elite shop! Hey, my mama didn't raise no fool we only drove through Rodeo we didn't stop! As we left I thought I heard my wallet say,"THANK YOU!"
We cruised the Sunset Strip watching the "Beautiful people" on the street. You know you can't say you have really been to Hollywood unless you get a picture of the "Hollywood sign" Right? Well you can get a picture but you can't get very close but if you look at the picture of Alyx, you can see it in the background. Doesn't she look like a movie star! I think so!
Well we left LA. and took the 10 east to riverside and home Tuesday evening. We had a great time. Alyx is going to ride in the RV down to "Park Sierra" with us on Friday then we will take her home to Sacramento Saturday and see our Sacramento family there.
as I lay in bed tonight I will think, "It takes awhile for an adventure to start but, it's gone in a blink of an eye but the memories last a lifetime". Viva Ventura!
I am so jealous. I want to go. What do I have to do? I can through myself on the floor kicking like I did as a child. Oh yeah, that one never did work. DJ and I will think of something. Alyx looks like a superstar that belongs in Beverly Hills.
Love you,
Mom and I wish you could of been there. Maybe next time. Alyx took to "Tinsel Town" like a duck to water. Love you and see you Sat.
Dad & Mom
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