The presents are wrapped,the holiday songs are getting old,and I've had way too much eggnog.Christmas must be close at hand.
Jeni has decorated our site with lots of festive lights. I mean a lot of lights! I checked our electric meter and it's whirling like a top.I can't wait to get the bill!
At the park, Jeni and I have been filling in as assistant managers until the new ones arrive the 26th.Its been a lot of hard work and 8 hr days,but it has been rewarding.Christmas day we are going to hibernate.Except for Christmas dinner at the park, we are staying home.
We have to work a half day Sunday,then we are done,and we can get back to normal.
After the holidays we plan to do some traveling.Going to San Diego and Phoenix this winter.Then to Oregon this summer to host again.
Here at the park you can't help but become swaddled in holiday cheer.Its like family,all the smiling faces and the many festivities in preparation of Christmas.
Well this will be as short post as it is time for bed so Santa can arrive here at the "ole" motor home.
Merry Christmas to all our family and friends and a very happy new year.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Work and play at Park Sierra
good mornin all! Jeni and I are livin
the "la vida buena"(the good life) here
at Park Sierra
good friends,good food,good times,and most of all,good health.
We have settled into our little routines here and dove right in to the volunteer spirit.
When we first joined the park we both made a pact that we would stay out of the politics of the park and just volunteer for the fun stuff...well that was a pact gone bad as I ended up on a controversial project that is still on going,Jeni was asked to contribute to forming an emergency action plan for the park that the state requires.
For her it has also been ongoing and
controversial.We actually are enjoying it though as it keeps us busy and you interface with a lot of the members. A real sense of community!
Jeni has met a lady,Shu lin that just joined the park. They walk 2 miles in the morning and are starting a community garden and are in the
process of forming a gardening committee(more politics)!
Jeni and I were selected to help the "Sunshine Girls",the decorating committee of the park(more politics)
to decorate the clubhouse.
We had a great time and the "Sunshine girls"made us lunch for our hard work.Doesn't the clubhouse look festive.
18000 square feet of holiday wonderland.
Saturday night the park held it's annual Christmas/holiday party.We had a very festive dinner and "Leaded" and "unleaded" eggnog.

At the party we put ornaments on the 2 trees in the clubhouse.Jeni is placing one on the big tree.(over 16 ft. tall)
Some of the members brought their grand kids and it was a real pleasure to see the holiday glow in their eyes.
It made us miss our little ones back in Riverside and Sacramento.
You know,I think I have the prettiest wife at the park.What a lucky guy I am!

This is the decorations we placed at the front entry of the clubhouse. When you walk in you can't help but feel the holiday spirit and my lips are always humming a Christmas tune when I'm in there.

Oh,by the way, guess who showed up at our party....Santa Clause!
One of our members,Gus always dresses up as he has for 20 yrs. and plays jolly ole Saint Nick.
I had a talk with Santa and gave him my list for Christmas.New rig,new corvette,more hair,a million dollars,10 seconds with Angie Jolie(Hey I'm old!)and live to be 100....Santa said"IN YOUR DREAMS FAT BOY!"

There has been a lot of activities at the park as this is when most of the members are here.After the holidays and summertime is when this place is a ghost town.
The event grew a big crowd and we think this will become an annual event.
the "la vida buena"(the good life) here
at Park Sierra

good friends,good food,good times,and most of all,good health.
We have settled into our little routines here and dove right in to the volunteer spirit.
When we first joined the park we both made a pact that we would stay out of the politics of the park and just volunteer for the fun stuff...well that was a pact gone bad as I ended up on a controversial project that is still on going,Jeni was asked to contribute to forming an emergency action plan for the park that the state requires.
For her it has also been ongoing and
controversial.We actually are enjoying it though as it keeps us busy and you interface with a lot of the members. A real sense of community!
Jeni has met a lady,Shu lin that just joined the park. They walk 2 miles in the morning and are starting a community garden and are in the

Jeni and I were selected to help the "Sunshine Girls",the decorating committee of the park(more politics)

We had a great time and the "Sunshine girls"made us lunch for our hard work.Doesn't the clubhouse look festive.
18000 square feet of holiday wonderland.
Saturday night the park held it's annual Christmas/holiday party.We had a very festive dinner and "Leaded" and "unleaded" eggnog.

At the party we put ornaments on the 2 trees in the clubhouse.Jeni is placing one on the big tree.(over 16 ft. tall)
Some of the members brought their grand kids and it was a real pleasure to see the holiday glow in their eyes.
It made us miss our little ones back in Riverside and Sacramento.
You know,I think I have the prettiest wife at the park.What a lucky guy I am!

This is the decorations we placed at the front entry of the clubhouse. When you walk in you can't help but feel the holiday spirit and my lips are always humming a Christmas tune when I'm in there.

Oh,by the way, guess who showed up at our party....Santa Clause!
One of our members,Gus always dresses up as he has for 20 yrs. and plays jolly ole Saint Nick.
I had a talk with Santa and gave him my list for Christmas.New rig,new corvette,more hair,a million dollars,10 seconds with Angie Jolie(Hey I'm old!)and live to be 100....Santa said"IN YOUR DREAMS FAT BOY!"

There has been a lot of activities at the park as this is when most of the members are here.After the holidays and summertime is when this place is a ghost town.
Last week the park had its first annual "art in the park",where all the crafty members can display their handmade items.We were very impressed with the talent and craftmanship.They were not selling their wares but giving info as to how they made their items and generating
The event grew a big crowd and we think this will become an annual event.
The park has certainly kept us busy and we have noticed that the busier we are, the less money we spend.
A lot of the members tell us,"where in California can you live for $200 a month and have this much fun."
Well, its Monday so its back to our busy schedule.Jeni with her committee's and me with maintenance.(pic of the "pole barn where maintenance office is.")
Work and play at Park Sierra.Life marches on.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving

Our families are celebrating Thanksgiving at various places this year.Jeni and I will be staying home and celebrating with our fellow "Park Sierrians".Last weekend we drove down to Riverside to see our son and Grandsons Aiden,and Nevin.We had a wonderful time with them, They are little "balls of energy!"They wore us out. After rough housing
with them, I was down for the count!

Right before we headed to Riverside,We got some bad news that my uncle Frank had passed away.It was sad but he lived a very full life.
There was a memorial Sunday in L.A., so we all went over for it.
The picture is Frank on his 90th birthday party last summer with my son Dan,my uncle(franks brother) Robert,and my Brothers Gary and Larry. Jeni and I couldn't attend as we were in Oregon. You would of loved him.He enjoyed life to the fullest!

When we drove over to Riverside,we took the "grapevine over as there was snow predicted for the Tehachapies on hwy 58.What a mistake! lots of rain and accidents everywhere.We spent 2 hours stuck on I-5 on top of the grapevine! Sooo....I decided no more Grapevine.coming home we took the 58 over the Tehachapies.Of coarse it was Snowing on the top! Luckily only a little so we breezed through with no problems.

Its not as bad as it looked,plus we were in the car not the motor home.

The day before, me and couple of guys carved up about 10 turkeys.Luckily one of the other guys used to be a butcher so with his expertise we had em done in an hour.

Jeni's favorite table...dessert.or should I say pumpkin pies.She wanted to be seated here for dinner but the members declined her request!
Jeni and I sat with our neighbors Gary and Michelle,one of our resident computer geeks Bruce and his lovely wife Jenna,and Guests from Alabama.Their names escape me right now.

Someone came up with a novel Idea to place these paper turkeys at every table and have everyone write on them what he or she is most thankful for. Then place them on the Christmas tree.We thought it was a great idea. This one caught my eye. simple and sincere.I like it!

Jeni's nephew Brett just had a little boy last month, and her brother sent her pictures.They named him Kaden.We are headed to Arizona after the new year so we can spend some quality time with Jeni's family and so Jeni can spoil that little guy.Watch out Kaden,your great Aunt is looking for some "ISH"
Well we are weary from our trip,and stuffed from the feast,We went to the social here and played Bunco Friday night.We have another dinner tonight followed by "Game night",so Sunday will be a day of hibernation for us,As you get older, after days of non stop socializing,you need a break.But,what a wonderful week it has been.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fall Fun with family and friends
It's not Halloween and no he's not one of the relatives. That's the mascot for the Arizona State Sun devils,"Sparky!" My two Daughters took DJ down to get a picture of all of them together.We had a great time.(despite losing the game)

There was Santa Clause and Mrs. Clause, down vacationing at the park before heading back to the north pole for the big day.

Capt. Jack Sparrow was in port and stopped by. I'm not sure who he is with but ,rumor has it that she Carry's a mean sting!
Yasser Arafat never misses these little get together's and he dropped in. There is some talk of a back room deal with the maintenance crew and Arafat concerning free gasoline and propane in exchange for a membership to the park and our best site.But at this point it is just a rumor.

These fall days Jeni and I are volunteering at the park.She works in the office,works on a couple of committees and takes care of the drink cooler.I am working with my buddy Dave on the Asphalt "crack sealing" crew. I blow out all the debris in the cracks with a compressor that we have mounted on a trailer while "Big Dave" goes ahead of me with a leaf blower clearing all the leaves.

That's me with the asphalt machine.The shinny little lines you see is tar that the machine lays.pretty cool. I have to be careful though as the tar is heated to 300 degrees.I wear welders gloves as even the handle of the machine is pretty hot.Dave and I fight over who pushes the machine on cold mornings.A nice way to keep warm!

Jeni loves the park in the fall as the leaves on the trees come alive with blazing colors.It is truly a beautiful park
We are so lucky to have joined this community,a community that keeps you young, if only at heart!
What a life! Fall with family and friends.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Were Home.
Jeni and I are parked snugly in our site here at Park Sierra,happy to be home.
I have not posted in over a month because of computer problems concerning our "air card"
The signal is just very poor in this area so I just can't get the blog uploaded.
The park just installed DSL high speed Internet to all the sites, so we signed up and I'm happy to report that it is great!
This month has flown by as we have been very busy.When we arrived,we voted for the candidates for our new board of directors at our annual meeting and dinner.We couldn't attend the dinner because we headed over to Berkeley,Ca. for our annual "family ASU football game. It was a great time and the whole family was there,(except for two grandsons). our grandson,DJ saw his first ASU game.a right of passage for sure. Even the rain and the lopsided loss(50-17) couldn't dampen our family spirit. A special thanks to my brother and his wife for setting up these family gatherings,keeping our family spirit alive. Our late father would be proud.
We also got a visit from our good friends Stan and Diane Shelstad as they stopped by the park. It was great catching up on their travels and that beautiful Grandson of theirs.He is such a cutie!
And,of visit ends without........the dreaded.....NOOOOOO....HAND AND FOOT! Yes ladies and gentleman ,Stan and I scummed to the female charm of our beautiful wives and got our behinds whipped again!
Sadly we said our goodbyes as they are off for new adventures,but,one thing is for sure,we will see them down the road soon.
Jeni and I made a lot of trips to Sacramento this month for DR.visits.too many in fact, so we are going to look up in this area for new ones or maybe change providers.
I have been relegated to the "asphalt crack sealing crew"here at the park. The crew consists of myself and a character named Dave who takes "crack sealing" to extremes! Lets just say I worked for a lot of these guys when I was a young lad doing concrete work a long time ago. My motto,"I'm doin it for the park."
Jeni has been busy too.Besides her full time job of taking care of me,she has taken over the job of purchasing and stocking the drink cooler in the clubhouse,working on an emergency response manual for the park for presentation to the board,and helping out the "hello squad" which is the greeting and new member committee for the park.She is one busy lady!
It has been great seeing and being with all of our friends here.When you first arrive after being gone for awhile,you recognize faces but it takes a few days for the names to come back to you.
We play bingo on Tuesday, WII bowling on Thursday, bunco on Friday ,and pegs and jokers on Saturday.Sunday we rest! We just love it here.By the way,last Tuesday Jeni won the big blackout game at bingo,$100! Shes my new best friend!!
As I set here writing on a rainy Saturday morning I wonder,with what magic did I arrive at this place in my life.How am I so lucky to live this life I am enjoying. The carefree traveling,the many friends we have met along our way.Why am I so blessed to experience all of this? Luck or Fate.Maybe a higher power? I'm sure they all might have played a part but, I know one thing, without Jeni on board, having my back in the early years, financially and economically setting our coarse, this would not of been possible. Thanks Jen.
Ok,enough with the mushy stuff we are here at the park til April so except for a few side trips we are home. at Park Sierra. Happy Halloween!
I have not posted in over a month because of computer problems concerning our "air card"
The signal is just very poor in this area so I just can't get the blog uploaded.
The park just installed DSL high speed Internet to all the sites, so we signed up and I'm happy to report that it is great!
This month has flown by as we have been very busy.When we arrived,we voted for the candidates for our new board of directors at our annual meeting and dinner.We couldn't attend the dinner because we headed over to Berkeley,Ca. for our annual "family ASU football game. It was a great time and the whole family was there,(except for two grandsons). our grandson,DJ saw his first ASU game.a right of passage for sure. Even the rain and the lopsided loss(50-17) couldn't dampen our family spirit. A special thanks to my brother and his wife for setting up these family gatherings,keeping our family spirit alive. Our late father would be proud.
We also got a visit from our good friends Stan and Diane Shelstad as they stopped by the park. It was great catching up on their travels and that beautiful Grandson of theirs.He is such a cutie!
And,of visit ends without........the dreaded.....NOOOOOO....HAND AND FOOT! Yes ladies and gentleman ,Stan and I scummed to the female charm of our beautiful wives and got our behinds whipped again!
Sadly we said our goodbyes as they are off for new adventures,but,one thing is for sure,we will see them down the road soon.
Jeni and I made a lot of trips to Sacramento this month for DR.visits.too many in fact, so we are going to look up in this area for new ones or maybe change providers.
I have been relegated to the "asphalt crack sealing crew"here at the park. The crew consists of myself and a character named Dave who takes "crack sealing" to extremes! Lets just say I worked for a lot of these guys when I was a young lad doing concrete work a long time ago. My motto,"I'm doin it for the park."
Jeni has been busy too.Besides her full time job of taking care of me,she has taken over the job of purchasing and stocking the drink cooler in the clubhouse,working on an emergency response manual for the park for presentation to the board,and helping out the "hello squad" which is the greeting and new member committee for the park.She is one busy lady!
It has been great seeing and being with all of our friends here.When you first arrive after being gone for awhile,you recognize faces but it takes a few days for the names to come back to you.
We play bingo on Tuesday, WII bowling on Thursday, bunco on Friday ,and pegs and jokers on Saturday.Sunday we rest! We just love it here.By the way,last Tuesday Jeni won the big blackout game at bingo,$100! Shes my new best friend!!
As I set here writing on a rainy Saturday morning I wonder,with what magic did I arrive at this place in my life.How am I so lucky to live this life I am enjoying. The carefree traveling,the many friends we have met along our way.Why am I so blessed to experience all of this? Luck or Fate.Maybe a higher power? I'm sure they all might have played a part but, I know one thing, without Jeni on board, having my back in the early years, financially and economically setting our coarse, this would not of been possible. Thanks Jen.
Ok,enough with the mushy stuff we are here at the park til April so except for a few side trips we are home. at Park Sierra. Happy Halloween!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
In Jello.
We are at Folsom Lake now in site #64. Wednesday night we stayed at "Win River" Casino in Redding. A nice place to boon dock. They park you and the security guard registers your rig and patrols the grounds so you feel totally safe here. We got set up and went to dinner in the casino. Great food and very reasonable. We will be back.
After dinner,(and donating to the slots!) we headed back to the RV. As I opened the door Jeni noticed that the rear outside tire was flat. I called our emergency road service and had them come out the next morning. They were here at 8am sharp and had the tire off in no time.The tire guy noticed that the tire had a "gouged" hole in it so he couldn't fix it. it was ruined,luckily when I bought new tires in 08 I kept one of the old ones just in case. He put that baby on and we were on our way by 9;30am. I must have ran over a piece of metal or something but we are very lucky to have made it to the casino. Who knows where the tire went flat. good thing it was on the back where we have dual tires.
Friday afternoon we got in to" Camping World" in Rocklin where we will have them put new shocks on the RV. We got set up and went to dinner and a movie. (Date Nite) Dinner was at the "Islands" a tropical bar and grill sort of place. We have eaten at one before and they have these "killer" tacos called "Baja tacos". I had the tacos and their "tortilla soup. Jeni had the "Island wrap" with fries. It was all good except Jeni's fries...Bad!
After dinner we went to the movies and saw "The American" with George Clooney. I think ole George was going for the old Sean Connery 007 look....Bad Choice! We almost left early but we stayed to see if it could get any did!
We got back to Campworld and settled in for the night.....or so I thought. At midnight the "Islands curse" hit me at both ends! I was up the rest of the night.They must of gave us water from Mexico or that wasn't chicken in my tacos! Jeni ate one of those tacos and she was fine. Maybe it was the soup who knows, but I'm sure I'm 10 pounds lighter!
By Friday afternoon I was feeling better so we went over to our Daughter's house for dinner.Saturday night we babysat DJ to give our daughter and her husband their "date nite." I hope they have better luck than we did on ours.
Today we are resting up from our travels and DJ. Per our plans,we were going to leave for Park Sierra tomorrow but, our plans are set in Jello! I need to get a new tire for the RV and Camping World doesn't carry Michelin's any more so I got hold of Les Swabb, down the street from the park, and they will have one for me Wednesday morning. At a great price too! We will get the tire on Wed. and head to Park Sierra.
We have firmed up our plans for next spring. We spoke with the ranger here and we will be back Camphosting next April-June here at Folsom Lake. We like it here and it is close to our Daughters and their families. Then we are booked July-August back at Deschutes State park in Oregon. That is the best place we have hosted at so far. But as we have said before nothing is "set in stone",just "JELLO".
After dinner,(and donating to the slots!) we headed back to the RV. As I opened the door Jeni noticed that the rear outside tire was flat. I called our emergency road service and had them come out the next morning. They were here at 8am sharp and had the tire off in no time.The tire guy noticed that the tire had a "gouged" hole in it so he couldn't fix it. it was ruined,luckily when I bought new tires in 08 I kept one of the old ones just in case. He put that baby on and we were on our way by 9;30am. I must have ran over a piece of metal or something but we are very lucky to have made it to the casino. Who knows where the tire went flat. good thing it was on the back where we have dual tires.
Friday afternoon we got in to" Camping World" in Rocklin where we will have them put new shocks on the RV. We got set up and went to dinner and a movie. (Date Nite) Dinner was at the "Islands" a tropical bar and grill sort of place. We have eaten at one before and they have these "killer" tacos called "Baja tacos". I had the tacos and their "tortilla soup. Jeni had the "Island wrap" with fries. It was all good except Jeni's fries...Bad!
After dinner we went to the movies and saw "The American" with George Clooney. I think ole George was going for the old Sean Connery 007 look....Bad Choice! We almost left early but we stayed to see if it could get any did!
We got back to Campworld and settled in for the night.....or so I thought. At midnight the "Islands curse" hit me at both ends! I was up the rest of the night.They must of gave us water from Mexico or that wasn't chicken in my tacos! Jeni ate one of those tacos and she was fine. Maybe it was the soup who knows, but I'm sure I'm 10 pounds lighter!
By Friday afternoon I was feeling better so we went over to our Daughter's house for dinner.Saturday night we babysat DJ to give our daughter and her husband their "date nite." I hope they have better luck than we did on ours.
Today we are resting up from our travels and DJ. Per our plans,we were going to leave for Park Sierra tomorrow but, our plans are set in Jello! I need to get a new tire for the RV and Camping World doesn't carry Michelin's any more so I got hold of Les Swabb, down the street from the park, and they will have one for me Wednesday morning. At a great price too! We will get the tire on Wed. and head to Park Sierra.
We have firmed up our plans for next spring. We spoke with the ranger here and we will be back Camphosting next April-June here at Folsom Lake. We like it here and it is close to our Daughters and their families. Then we are booked July-August back at Deschutes State park in Oregon. That is the best place we have hosted at so far. But as we have said before nothing is "set in stone",just "JELLO".
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Headed south.

Sunday we loaded up ,hooked up,and headed south. Its been a great summer in Oregon and Washington,but its time to head home.
We took hwy 3 down through the "Tacoma narrows" which is a toll bridge over the bay that gets you to I-5 in Tacoma.
We stopped for the night at Champoeg State Park in Oregon, just south of Portland.We stayed at this park on our way from Cape Blanco to Deschutes in June. It is a beautiful park like all of Oregon's parks. We covered 247 miles today.
Monday we enjoyed the park and hiked along the Willemette river which runs through Champoeg. Finally, at 11;30am we pulled out south on I-5. We passed through Salem,Eugene,and Roseberg. Traffic was a lot lighter Monday than Sunday as we rolled south. We made it through Grants Pass and stopped for the night at "Valley of the Rogue State Park Ore.
Like some of the State Parks in Oregon, the park entrance is in a state rest area right off I-5.
We have decided that we will stay 2 nights here instead of Redding. It is so peaceful and beautiful here.Nice large sites with 50amp elec.The Rogue river runs through the park.
After a restful nights sleep, this morning we hiked the Rogue river through the park. Then we hit our favorite place, Walmart, for some supplies.Its been 5-6 months since Jeni and I have gotten our "Taco fix." So we hit Taco Bell for lunch. Yum! I'm not much for their menu but they have the best tacos bar none. We made 242 miles yesterday,which leaves about 175 miles to Redding. We will stay the night there then on to Sacramento, another 175 miles Thursday.
We will pull in to Camping World in Rocklin and stay Thurs. night. Fri. morning we have an appointment to put Shocks on the coach,then on to Folsom Lake State Park where we will stay the weekend to see all the kids and grand kids. We are so excited!! Monday we will head home to Park Sierra.
Well that's our itinerary to put the final finish on our summer of 2010.We have been kicking around a lot of ideas for next year,but like our travels, their "set in Jello" nothing firm.
Well, all for now as we continue our travels south.
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Were headed to Seattle today on another sight seeing adventure. we drove over to Bainbridge island where we boarded the ferry for a 40 minute trip across the Puget Sound. The ferry was huge. I don't know how many vehicles it holds, but its like a floating airport terminal! It has a restaurant, snack bar and deli on board. lots of comfortable seating,and TVs everywhere.

It was a beautiful day. when we left Chimacum in the morning it was foggy but it cleared nicely. Puget Sound has a lot of ship traffic and the ferry captain has to be on his toes to thread this "behemoth" through all of it.

If you put both pictures together that makes up most of the Seattle skyline. "Quest"and "Safeco" stadiums where the Seahawks and Mariniers play are at the far south end of the skyline just out of view.

Mount Rainier at over 15000 ft. elevation is visible from the ferry. We didn't get a chance to go there this year, but we will try to make it next year. We also didn't make it to Glacier National park either. There are 3 Glaciers over 14000 ft. elevation. The park is northeast of Seattle.

Fish is a major draw to the market. You name the sea creature you want and I bet they have it. All fresh and ready for you. You have heard about the venders that throw the fish back and forth across the market, well Jeni and I saw it first hand. The Boston Red Sox were in town to play Seattle, and the Red Sox fans were at the market where the fish venders decided to see how good the fans could catch.
Jeni and I were getting hungry, so Jeni found a little place that served crepes. We had a ham and cheese crepe and a drink. It tasted like a ham and cheese quesadilla. Not so french!

Jeni and I walked every inch of the Market. Then we decided we would walk the city and end up at the Space Needle.

Jeni loved the many flowers stands at the market. One thing here, they can grow pretty much any flower in this climate.
You know when you look at those little "city tour maps, everything looks real close. So you say to yourself "hey, its not far." "We can walk it." and after a couple of miles uphill, you realize that 1/8 of an inch equals 1 mile not one block!

Well we finally made it to the "Needle."We strolled through the gift shop but decided to pass on the trip to the top. When we were in Astoria, we climbed to the top of the "Column."and we got some great shots of Seattle when we came in on the ferry.Maybe next year.

Well we finally made it to the "Needle."We strolled through the gift shop but decided to pass on the trip to the top. When we were in Astoria, we climbed to the top of the "Column."and we got some great shots of Seattle when we came in on the ferry.Maybe next year.
The area around the "Needle is an arts and entertainment complex with a food court and theatres. There is also a children's theatre and Key arena where the basketball team the "Sonics" used to play.

When it was time to go, we decided to take the monorail. $2 and it takes us 5 blocks from the market. What a deal! I was one tired happy camper.
The Monorail ended at Pine st. so all we had to do was walk 5 blocks downhill to the market.

Jeni and I loved the shops, cafes, and coffee houses as we walked the city. Seattle really is the "magical emerald city".
We made it back to Pikes Market for dinner. We found a little cafe overlooking the bay. We had "Clam Chowder", and salad with a blue cheese vinaigrette dressing. Yummy!
After dinner,we got the car and headed to the ferry. Trying to find the terminal was a lesson in futility! We tried to go the same way we got off the ferry but no. they had as median so we could only go right or left not straight ahead to the terminal. We went right and pulled a "U" turn but
as we approached the terminal, AGAIN, we could not turn right! What the heck is going on here! Finally we tried one last attempt. We headed out toward the stadiums, turned around , and headed back toward the terminal. At last we could turn left into the terminal. Hooray! What a screwy system they have.

We headed back to Chimacum tired but glad we saw Seattle.
Oh yea, meet my new buddy. the "hot dog guy". we saw him in Port Townsend and had to say hi. If he only new how much i love hot dogs.......yummm!
It was a long day for us but it was a beautiful day and a beautiful city.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
another week in Washington

Well we are back in Port Townsend doing some more sight seeing around town.
The harbour is always busy with boats coming and going. The bay is like glass as the overcast gives the area a small fishing village feel.Coffee and sweatshirts are the order of the day.

The old and the new come together at this port as modern cruisers mingle with ships from days gone by.
The weather has been great and we have loved the downtown area of Port Townsend with its historic feel, the many quaint shops, and the food! Probably the best place we have enjoyed dining at, the"Bay View Cafe". Its right on the bay, The view is magnificent!

Even the wildlife enjoy the view. This little guy is a resident of the area. The "belted"Kingfisher. We stood right beside him on the wharf and took his picture. He didn't care as I'm sure he was enjoying the views too.

Even the wildlife enjoy the view. This little guy is a resident of the area. The "belted"Kingfisher. We stood right beside him on the wharf and took his picture. He didn't care as I'm sure he was enjoying the views too.

Port Townsend is known for its many "Victorian" homes. This was Jeni's favorite. It sets above the waterfront looking down on the city. It is visible from most of the area.

As we shopped downtown, I lost Jeni to "the puzzle"! She loves jigsaw puzzles and at Park Sierra they always have a "running puzzle" going in the clubhouse.Anyone can work on it.It is usually one of those 1000 piece ones.she is always up there working on it. At this shop they had one going, so Jeni just couldn't resist. I like the name of the shop..."Completely puzzled," Just like Jeni.

Port Townsend has a Ferry that takes you over to Widbey Island and Oak Harbor. We walked on and rode it over to the island.up here in the Olympic Peninsula there are numerous Ferries that take you to places like Seattle, Brimmerton, the San Juan islands, and Victoria BC. We would of loved to go to Victoria but we forgot our passports.(senior moment!) It is about a 30 minute trip over to the island. right next to ferry landing in Widbey, there is Fort Casey State Park. I like how Oregon and Washington has taken these old military forts and made them into state parks.

Fort Warden ,which is near Port Townsend, is another example of how State Parks has restored these old Forts to their glory days and tells the story of its presence here. all the buildings are utilized by the parks,renting them to organizations for various functions, as hostels for visitors, and as educational facilities for the school system. My hats off to the State for their novel approach to preserving our history. California should take a Que from them!

One of the old bldgs at the fort. It is like a school campus with its layout but then you stroll out to the "Battery bldg."where the big guns used to be stationed and you know its not a school but a military fort.

That's Jeni on top of of one of the "Battery compounds"at the fort. it is an assume site. The massive guns they used to have here at one time were shipped over to France during the height of WWII.

Another day trip we took was over to Indian island and Fort Flagler State Park. Another example of how State Parks utilized these old forts for the better good. Here besides the fort itself, they had full hookup RV spots right on the Ocean. "We want to camp host here!" We love this place. You don't need to take a ferry over as it has a bridge you cross. Its about 20 minutes from Port Townsend.

Even the deer like to picnic here at Fort Flagler. This is one of the prettiest parks we have seen up here. The fort is right on the bay. Again, State Parks utilizes all the bldgs for various functions. "We want to camp host here!"
Fort Warten, Fort Casey, and Fort Flagler were vital in the defense of the bay from aggressors during the Spanish American war, WWI, and WWII.When we were in Astoria Oregon, the forts there,Ft. Stevens, Ft. klatsop, and Ft. Columbia in Washington, Protected the mouth of the Columbia from passage by aggressors. Ft. Stevens
northwest coast. that was in WWII.
At Fort Flagler, they had the Navy band doing a concert right in one of the battery bunkers. We grabbed our chairs and enjoyed the music. "We want to camp host here!"
We love it up here on the Olympic Peninsula. Lots to do,so little time. Tomarrow we are headed for Seattle. We have decided to ferry over with the car from Bainbridge so we can get around the city.
They had a "Spaghetti dinner here at the park for the Emergency responders from the local fire dept in Chimacum. We decided to go as we have been sight seeing so much we haven't got involved with the park . when your an "Escapee" its your job to get involved, we went. The dinner was very delicious and we met some wonderful people. As with all Escapee parks, this one is "top Notch". Any way, back to the dinner, They had an auction where they actioned off the EMT's to raise money for them as they are all volunteers. What a hoot! Our table pooled our money with another table to bid on one of the EMTs lovely girlfriend!I knew I liked these guys! After some "spirited" bidding ,we WON!! we got to have her dine with us at our table. Her name was Roz. Being the gentleman that I am, I jumped up, brushed aside a couple of my table mates, and offered Roz the seat next to me. After a blow felt from Jeni's elbow to my ribs #$@%* I let Roz set next to Jeni. All in all they raised $1900.00 for the EMTs. Our hats are off the the park members. Jeni and I might pitch this idea to the members at park sierra when we get back.
I guess it is true what they say,"too much of a good thing is not good" We are growing weary of all the "go go go"and sight seeing the last couple of weeks so we will take a couple of days off before we head to Seattle. You know football season is upon us and this weekend will be a great time to relax and unwind by watching the NFL. My daughter Jackie and her husband got the NFL package again this year so I get it too. I love the "RED ZONE" channel where they show you action of all the games as it happens, so no channel surfing for action. I love this time of year. The baseball races heating up, college and NFL football starting, and the NBA just around the corner. It is truly the most wonderful time of year. Wait a minute, Jeni tells me Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. Well, that a story for another time and blog.
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