Jeni and I are parked snugly in our site here at Park Sierra,happy to be home.
I have not posted in over a month because of computer problems concerning our "air card"
The signal is just very poor in this area so I just can't get the blog uploaded.
The park just installed DSL high speed Internet to all the sites, so we signed up and I'm happy to report that it is great!
This month has flown by as we have been very busy.When we arrived,we voted for the candidates for our new board of directors at our annual meeting and dinner.We couldn't attend the dinner because we headed over to Berkeley,Ca. for our annual "family ASU football game. It was a great time and the whole family was there,(except for two grandsons). our grandson,DJ saw his first ASU game.a right of passage for sure. Even the rain and the lopsided loss(50-17) couldn't dampen our family spirit. A special thanks to my brother and his wife for setting up these family gatherings,keeping our family spirit alive. Our late father would be proud.
We also got a visit from our good friends Stan and Diane Shelstad as they stopped by the park. It was great catching up on their travels and that beautiful Grandson of theirs.He is such a cutie!
And,of visit ends without........the dreaded.....NOOOOOO....HAND AND FOOT! Yes ladies and gentleman ,Stan and I scummed to the female charm of our beautiful wives and got our behinds whipped again!
Sadly we said our goodbyes as they are off for new adventures,but,one thing is for sure,we will see them down the road soon.
Jeni and I made a lot of trips to Sacramento this month for DR.visits.too many in fact, so we are going to look up in this area for new ones or maybe change providers.
I have been relegated to the "asphalt crack sealing crew"here at the park. The crew consists of myself and a character named Dave who takes "crack sealing" to extremes! Lets just say I worked for a lot of these guys when I was a young lad doing concrete work a long time ago. My motto,"I'm doin it for the park."
Jeni has been busy too.Besides her full time job of taking care of me,she has taken over the job of purchasing and stocking the drink cooler in the clubhouse,working on an emergency response manual for the park for presentation to the board,and helping out the "hello squad" which is the greeting and new member committee for the park.She is one busy lady!
It has been great seeing and being with all of our friends here.When you first arrive after being gone for awhile,you recognize faces but it takes a few days for the names to come back to you.
We play bingo on Tuesday, WII bowling on Thursday, bunco on Friday ,and pegs and jokers on Saturday.Sunday we rest! We just love it here.By the way,last Tuesday Jeni won the big blackout game at bingo,$100! Shes my new best friend!!
As I set here writing on a rainy Saturday morning I wonder,with what magic did I arrive at this place in my life.How am I so lucky to live this life I am enjoying. The carefree traveling,the many friends we have met along our way.Why am I so blessed to experience all of this? Luck or Fate.Maybe a higher power? I'm sure they all might have played a part but, I know one thing, without Jeni on board, having my back in the early years, financially and economically setting our coarse, this would not of been possible. Thanks Jen.
Ok,enough with the mushy stuff we are here at the park til April so except for a few side trips we are home. at Park Sierra. Happy Halloween!
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