If I had a bucket list(and I don't), a rafting trip would be on it.Tom Peterson the head ranger for Deschutes,rafts the river once a week to check boater passes,(you have to have one to boat the Deschutes) and check the primitive campsites along the river, There are no roads in this 35 mile section of the river so rafting is the only way in.
This past week I was lucky enough to accompany Tom on this two day trip. Wednesday we loaded up and the adventure began!

On a scale of 1to5, most of the rapids were 2s and 3s. Enough to get drenched, but not get tossed out of the raft which was ok with me!
It was a nice warm day with a gentle breeze, a perfect day for rafting.
The Deschutes river is protected as a "Wild "river by the state of Oregon meaning everything on the river is regulated. Boating,fishing,and camping are limited to the condition of the river to keep it pristine and not over used. Oregon State Parks and the BLM are responsible for caring and policing the river and from what I see they do a fantastic job.

This trip, there were a lot of boats and rafts on the river so Tom and I pulled over frequently checking passes and licences for the commercial rafters.
Ranger Tom has great people skills which is a must for this job as he has no real enforcement powers on the river.No gun, no citation book, just his charm and love of the river. My hats off to him!
Tom brought all the food and beverages, tents ,sleeping bags, fishing poles(more later) and kitchen supplies all I had to bring was me and a fishing licence(more later).

As we dined sitting in our comfy camp chairs,we got to know a little about each other.I was surprised to learn that Tom had a BA in Journalism and used to be a beat reporter. But his real passion was the outdoors so he took his family and followed his dream. My impression, he is living his dream,doing things on his terms.

After dinner and conversation it was time to FISH!
I had bought a 2 day fishing licence and Philly was ready to tackle those prized "Steelhead" trout.
We started fishing about 8pm and it was a splendid evening ,quiet except for the moving waters of the river and the occasional osprey overhead hunting his dinner.It just doesn't get any better than this.

About dusk, I hooked one.He was a "fighter"! I got him all the way in to 5 feet in front of me, he leaped out of the water,turned his head toward me,and broke my line and off he went! Philly had a few choice words #$!&*#$ for that fish! and I was not a "happy camper".
What a blast it was fishing the Deschutes and living the "rafting life" for a couple of days.
After breakfast, we loaded up and were back on the water patrolling the river.
It was another beautiful warm day with the gentle cool breezes to keep us cool while rafting.
What a beautiful river it is. I am privileged to have been able to raft to cool blue waters of the Deschutes and enjoy it's many wonders.

I am one Happy fella.I can't thank Ranger Tom Peterson enough for taking me with him and sharing with him the "vita buena"(the good life).
In my little world this was a biggie for me.I don't have a bucket list,I just let thing happen as they will,fate I guess you would call it,But if I did have a bucket list,This adventure would certainly be on it!
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