In the world of " Camphosting",a little confusion on the part of the camper is normal."Where is my site? how many cars can I park in my site? How many people can I fit in my site? what time do I have to leave? I answered these questions and more when this group arrived this week. That is me trying to restore order and get them settled in. Its a hassle sometimes but Jeni and I enjoy helping the campers out.

One of the rangers,Connie Greenwood and her husband Greg took Jeni and I out in their boat on the Columbia for a little Salmon fishing. We met them at 6am and by 6:15 we were on the water. Jeni got a nice picture of the sunrise.

"Ole Philly"wasn't quite awake but once the pole went in and the fishing started I was awake. The wind came up and the fishing got to be a challenge so we had to get off the water.

Jeni had a great time also.Even though she had to get up at 5am! She had a great time until Capt. Greg hit a big wave and drenched his wife and Jeni.He got an earful! In spite of everything,we had a great morning. Thank you Greg and Connie

Wednesday we headed for Bend and the little community of Sisters Oregon. We shopped the quaint downtown area and had lunch at one of the many eateries. The town reminded me of old Folsom with its western theme and charm.
Jeni said that she liked the name because it reminded her of her sisters back in Phoenix.(all 4 of them)

Jeni loved the many hanging flower pots along the walks in Sisters. I think she will return here again some day.

The town got it's name from the 3 mountains just west of town. Sorry about the quality of this picture but they had a fire in the area and it was real hazy.

After Sisters,we headed for Bend.We toured the downtown area and the "Old Mill District along the Deschutes river.We stopped in to the "Deschutes brewery" to sample some of their brews and take a tour. We have always wanted to do a tour and today is our chance.

Jeni is sampling a dark ale in their tasting room. They give you 4 -4oz samples. I liked the "mirror pond" brew which was a light brew. Very tasty!

This is our tour guide Samantha. She is telling me I've had enough samples for the day as I gaze at the golden vats of brew.Yum!

It is a modern brewery with all the latest technology.

We sure enjoyed the tour and with my new found knowledge of beer , I let Jeni take the wheel for the trip home.

We stopped in Redmond for dinner at a little cafe called "The black Bear Diner". It was cool with the old truck sitting outside and wooden bears everywhere.

Jeni and the 3 bears! It was a great place with delicious food and great decor and atmoshere.I had breakfast and Jeni had the turkey dinner. big portions,great service, and priced right. Jeni loved the plates and napkins as they were white with little black bear paws.
We got back to the park at sun down tired but with alot of memories of our day trip.
We only have a week left here at Deschutes before we head to Washington. We have let them know that we would be willing to come back here next year and they have approved us so we will be back next July-August.We really love it here.
Our itinerary(set in jello not stone!) is to leave here next Wed. and drive to Fort Stevens state park on the western tip of Ore.Spend a few days then head to the Seattle area and stay in the Escapee park by Port Townsend for some R and R.We will stay a couple of weeks then head back to California.Jeni has to be in Sacramento for the eye doctor Sept. 24th.
Jeni and I would like to thank all the rangers here at Deschutes for taking great care of us. They really know how to treat hosts here at Deschutes.
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