Well Jeni and the girls in the office are hard at work trying to fit everybody in for "Stagecoach Days". It's our fund raiser for the year and it is loads of fun every year. The park was anticipating an overflow crowd so they cut a deal with our local Casino to boon dock(camp with no utilities) anyone the park couldn't fit in.
We had wonderful weather all week and the place was packed.5 fun filled days of food,hayrides,cake walks,raffles,and great entertainment. When I say food it was breakfast,lunch,and dinner for 4 nights and a full"
The festivities started Wednesday afternoon with the unveiling of the refurbished Stagecoach and new Stagecoach cover.We had a BBQ picnic put on by the WOW committee
that did the work on the Stagecoach and cover.Everybody was in western garb,even the women as some of them dressed as "Ladies of the evening"! Yea the "Ole West" lives on.
that did the work on the Stagecoach and cover.Everybody was in western garb,even the women as some of them dressed as "Ladies of the evening"! Yea the "Ole West" lives on.
The sun was warm but the cool breezes kept everyone comfortable.Just a hat or parasol kept the sun at bay.
We had a few dignitaries at our picnic.Miss Kitty dropped in but she didn't bring Marshall Dillon as he was on an undercover assignment.
The "Flamingo Kid " was here also.he rode all the way from Florida on his trusty steed(alligator) named"suitcase"!
Don't let that mild demeaner fool you, he's a killer!
I was setting right next to him but he scared me!
After the picnic,we had a parade to take our beloved Stagecoach to its new home. The Stage and cover now complete, our WOW committee(wow means wagons or wheels) will be looking at other park projects to sink our teeth into.
The park has tons of committees that run and maintain the park.Jeni chaired two this winter.The "Hello Squad" which is the greeting arm of the park,and The Disaster preparedness committee which sets a plan of action in case of emergency or natural disaster.This plan is required by the State.
Thursday,Friday,and Saturday
my buddy RJ and I were in charge of the hayrides .we took turns driving "ole Case" our trusty steed as the other rode shotgun through the park and over the creek.there was a tour guide in the wagon to point out the places of interest along our route.
Jeni was head of the raffle table which had Items from members that they made themselves.All primo stuff as we have some very talented people in the park.Jeni had carved spoon sets,walking sticks,jewelry,pots,quilts,
and many other items.Jeni and her crew had to put up and take down the display every night and sell raffle tickets during the day.they raffled everything off Saturday night.She is one tired lady.
We moved into the"badlands on our way back over the creek and sure enough....."Banditos"!They took all our valuables and supplies.Hey they weren't even nice!But they sure looked familiar.
We did 4" bandito" rides on Friday,Saturday we did 5 "flower tour"rides as one of our members is very knowledgeable on the park flora and Fona.They were the most popular of all the hayrides as they were booked weeks in advance.Sundays rides were just site seeing only.My buddy RJ and I were tired but we sure had fun!

Wednesday night the park put on a melodrama.(yes we have a drama committee!) with the members as the cast....let me just say...Outrageous!
Thursday night we had Casino night,Friday night,we had a a great local magician perform and he was fabulous preceded by a delicious Italian dinner.
Saturday night,we had the Yosemite Jazz Band in for a little dinner and dancin!This group performed at our new years eve party and was a real hit with our members. I figured by Saturday night everybody would eat and call it a night,Boy,was I wrong.Everyone kicked up their heels.(must of been the wine!)
After breakfast Sunday,Jeni and I helped out cleaning up til noon then we "hibernated".No one was stirring,I think all the members had the same idea as the park looked deserted.
At our monthly meeting Tuesday the event was deemed a success.We are already working on next years event and plan to make it even better than this years.
Well our time is up and Friday Jeni and I leave for Oregon for the summer to "camphost"at three parks.I think I have already mentioned that, May-June we will be at Viento State Park on the beautiful....(Aw I know I have already blogged this before)...July-August we will be back at Deschutes State Rec Park,and September we will be hosting at Collier Memorial State Park.October we will be home at Park Sierra.What a life!Fun Fun and more Fun.
It will be sad to leave our Park Sierra family but like my "ole" dog Penny,they always come home.
I'll always have memories of me at the reins of the "ole"hay wagon guiding that trusty yellow steed "Case"(tractor) with my loyal sidekick "Yosemite Sam"(My buddy RJ) at my side......fun times at Stagecoach Days! see ya in Oregon.