As I woke up,throwing open the curtains.Waiting to feel the warm sun on my face,"WHAT THE BLANK IS THIS?""Am I dreaming!"Did I wake up in North Dakota?.Snow in Park Sierra,"who woulda thunk it!"32 degrees and snowing like a banshee. We had about 3" on the ground by 9am.A lot of awnings collapsed under the weight of the snow and I went out twice to clean mine off. It was very wet snow and we lost a few tree branches because of it.But all in all the park fared well.This is really a "weird" year for weather here.
Lots of snow in the trees and on our car. It was a "winter wonderland"
Last week the park held its annual "Hats Off To Volunteers" party. Everyone donned their favorite hat for the event and "partied Hardy."They had lots of delicious food and plenty of music.I wore my hard hat with a sign that said"you want me to do what now!"
The park prides itself on delicious cousine and the men and ladies in charge of the kitchen put out "top notch chow".My hats off to them for their hard work."Hey, that's what this party is all about!"
Jeni had her last "Movie and a hot dog night" and as with the past ones,it was a hit.She had about 40 people.She has really enjoyed doing it and has agreed to resume doing it again when we return this fall.My hats off to her!
Finally after 5 months,the stagecoach cover is almost complete.It has been a battle with the state and the naysayers to get the job done but we have done it.We framed it in one day and the plywood went on yesterday.all that's left is the metal roof which should be complete by next week.Our hats are off to our fine work crew!
I love volunteering. It keeps me in "rock hard,chiseled shape!"(the picture adds about 50lbs to my physic!HONEST)................
...OK,"take another picture Jen so I can suck in my gut!"
Jeni and I have been running the "Friday night Bunco game"since last fall and we have really enjoyed it.We did our last one Friday.We averaged about 30 or 40 players a night and it has become very popular with the members.It follows our weekly social so a lot of people stay over and play.It was a bittersweet night as we finished. we were asked to host it again next fall and we gladly accepted.
Next week is our annual fund raiser "Stagecoach days". It runs for a week and draws a huge crowd.The park is completely full and we had to make a deal with the local casino to let our traveling members boondock there so they could attend the festivities. Its 5 days of food,fun,entertainment,and comradely.
After Stagecoach days everyone will scatter to all points of the USA including Jeni and I.We are leaving the park the 22nd of April with a stop in Sacramento,then on to Oregon for our summer volunteer jobs.May and June we will be hosting at Viento state park at Hood river on the beautiful Columbia river gorge. July and August we will be back to Deschutes rec area state park at the confluence of the Columbia and Deschute rivers. finally in September we will be hosting at Collier memorial state park 35 miles from Crater lake Natl. Park.We haven't made it to Crater lake yet so this will be a great opportunity for us to see it.
As our time grows short here at the park,it will be sad to leave our park sierra family.As everyone heads out for their summer adventures,the one thing we all know,we will meet again next fall at the park for more fun and adventure.
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