We are staying at "Campingworld"in Rocklin after the weekend to get a few things done on the coach.
I kept D.J. busy teaching him Grandpa's favorite sport,Baseball. I think he is going to be a natural,he hit everything I threw him!
One other thing Daughter Jackie told us as they were headed out,Saturday we have to take D.J. to a birthday party................

To" CHUCKY CHEESE!" NOOOOOOO! Oh yea kids 12" on center and running amuck! Jen and I knew our mission,choke down that terrible pizza and keep the tokens coming! All in all it wasn't too bad and D.J. had a great time.He and "Ole Chucky"had a great day.

Well, we took off for Oregon heading up the I-5.We covered about 350 miles and stopped for the night at 7-Feathers Indian Casino in Cannonville Ore.
The next day we did another 300+miles and stopped at Silver Falls State Park east of Salem Ore. It is a beautiful park which features 10 different waterfalls miles of trails and covered bridges which Jeni really enjoys.
We got in a little hiking when we got in and the weather was cool and brisk.

They have a very nice creekside trail with lots of benches for us "Senior hikers" to rest and enjoy the scenery.I think Jeni would love to camp host here,its a great park.
One morning I was walking to the trash bin and I struck up a conversation with the camp host. I told him we might be interested in hosting here next year.He had the park ranger stopping by as we spoke
so I met her and got us on her list for next year.Wouldn't that be great!

The next day we hiked around to see some of the falls.There is an 8 mile trail that goes to all 10 falls but that is a little much for us,so we took the shorter trails to see about half of them.
There is a trail that goes under this fall where you actually see the back side of the falls and yes you will get a little wet.
Oregon has a lot of waterfalls and where we are headed they have some nice ones up on the Columbia.

We could do this all day every day,Nature at its finest.
The weather has cooperated

Well the "Kiss Of Death" I brag on the weather and BOOM,rain!
Well when life hands you lemons,make lemonade! We ducked in to the lodge at the park,grabbed a couple of coffees,and enjoyed the day.We visited with the other campers and enjoyed the views.

We stayed nice and warm inside the lodge as they had this huge fireplace blazing. Jeni was enjoying her coffee and admiring all the pictures hung on the walls.I hope the gift shop is closed,she has that"I want to buy somthing"look in her eyes!

Well we are up early to head over to one of Oregon's newest park,"Stub Stewert".
I threw open the curtains,...NO,It CAN"T Be!.....SNOW! AGAIN! Not today....MAN,what a wierd weather year were having.The camp host said this was very unusual for late April.
Well we hooked up and started to head out when our hydraulic jacks alarm went off meaning one of our jacks was still not retracted all the way.I had to get out ,get under the coach,in the snow,on the ground to push it all the way up.What a day!

Even though the jacks were up all the way,the alarm would still come on periodically.
We got on the road and out of the snow and a couple of hundred miles later we pulled in "Stub Stewert" State Park about 26 miles west of Portland.
We got unhooked and set.Then we had a well deserved coffee and cookie break!!
The weather was great and we could enjoy the outdoors here.Tomorrow we will see what this park is all about,but now we got to enjoy our cookies.

We hiked a couple of miles and drove to some of the sites here at the park. It has a ton of trails for hikers,bikers,and horsemen.They have a campground with corrals just for the horse people.It is very nice.
Tomorrow,we head to Viento State Park for our first host assignment for the summer.It will be an easy 3 hour drive but one thing I'm going to do before we leave,Pull that "Jack Alarm" fuse so we have a quiet drive!
Well we are in Oregon for the summer and we are raring to go.Happy Trails for now,until next time,may the snow be behind us!
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