and the fun has begun! Jeni and Martha on the lido deck enjoying the "drink of the day"as we set sail for Catalina Island.We boarded Monday afternoon for 5 days of fun. We will visit Catalina Island,and,Ensenada Mexico.With one day at sea before we return to Long Beach Friday morning. We are traveling on Carnivals ship "the Inspiration". This will be the first cruise for our kids and my brother Larry.

Tuesday morning the ship anchored just off Catalina and ferried us over to the island. All the ladies could not wait to land as the shops were calling them to buy,buy,buy! That's me and Granddaughter Alyx heading to the island.Doesn't she look hip in her new way cool(as she would say)new hat. Her and Grandpa are buddies,even at 17 she still wants to be with Grandpa and Grandma,so un teenage like!

Gary and Martha headed over to Catalina for some fun. A special thanks goes out to them for setting up this cruise for the family. They are the "connoisseurs of the Doran clan and although we don't always show it, we really do appreciate everything you two do for all of us. THANK YOU!

Oh Man!!, 5 pretty ladies ready to shop.......get your wallets out guys,its gonna get ugly! Jeni,Martha, Katie,Alyx,and Jackie.....with the charge cards......those vendors don't have a chance!

We rented golf carts and drove the island looking at the sights. This is the only way to get around without walking or biking .You can rent one that Carry's 6 people, so we rented 2 and everybody was very comfy. The views were spectacular. I didn't realize how beautiful Catalina was. this pic is the crew taking a break looking down on the Pacific ocean.

And this is the view we had. That's the cruise ship behind Jeni. Beautiful day,beautiful views.....It don't get any better than this.

Wednesday night was formal dining so we all put on our best and had a first class gourmet meal. All you could eat prime rib and lobster....YUM! My son in law Billy ate 6 count em 6 lobsters! That's the family in this pic.Top row left to right, Brother Larry, Son in law Dustin, Jeni, Me, son Dan. Bottom row left to right,Brother Gary, his wife Martha, Granddaughter Alyx,Daughter Jackie, Grandson DJ, Daughter Katie,and son in law Billy(the lobster king!) I am just choked up with pride., this is what makes life worth living.

On the top deck of the ship there was a nine hole goofy golf coarse,so DJ,Gary,and I checked it out. We had a ball.Dj made a great shot which landed right in the cup.And what do you do when you make a great shot like that..........

You "CELEBRATE!" DJ,your the Man. DJ had lots of things to do on the ship. They had a video arcade,and Lazier tag. He took full advantage of it all.

They had a walking track on the top deck where you could jog or walk off those "Cruise pounds." Seeing I had hit the buffet pretty hard that day,I did a little stroll after dinner. It was hard keeping on the track as I would gaze at the beautiful sea and the next thing I know, I was off the track and running into something. "man overboard!"

We ported in Ensenada Wednesday morning. Just as you got off the ship,there were some small shops on the pier. Jackie and Alyx got to hold this lion cub for a donation at one of the shops.I think it was one of those "rescue foundations" that care for the cubs.There were 2 of them and they were orphaned. The girls were thrilled!

Everybody did their own thing in Mexico. Jeni,Gary, Martha , and I went to some Mexican wineries,The other girls went on a tour a "blow hole"at the ocean,and my brother Larry, my son and son in laws,well they went to a place called "Papa's and Beers". You know how that ended right! That's me at one of the wineries. What a beautiful place.I was very impressed with the operation and We even purchased a few bottles. The first one was a big vineyard and the second one was a small organic vineyard that not only made wine but baked bread and produced delicious cheese. Their wine was also superb. I thought better than the big vineyard.All in all a great day in Mexico.
The last day out to sea we just lounged around enjoying the amenities on board. The Spa, Hotub, Casino, and of coarse...the food!
Were back at the park wondering how fast and wonderful our cruise was. And planning our next family outing. Thanks again Gary and Martha,and the family for a fantastic voyage we will never forget.....The Family Cruise.