Santa was real good to Jeni and her friend Jesse at our annual Park Sierra Christmas party. A little too good if you ask me! The park had about 200 people here for our annual tree decorating party in mid December.Good food,good friends,and gooood egg nog!

This picture doesn't do justice(I'm still using my crummy Fujii camera!) to Jeni's Christmas decorations at our site. It was one of the best in the park.She did a great job.

We went to Sacramento for Christmas and our Daughter Jackie cooked one of the best turkeys I have ever tasted. She put the turkey in a secret brine overnight containing chicken broth,sea salt, garlic,and some secret morning she cooked and basted it with the brine mixture.It was delicious! I tried to get the name of the secret ingredients but her lips are sealed.

We sure enjoyed our Granddaughter Alyx and Grandson DJ. Alyx is almost 17 and Quite the beautiful lady.She is the apple of her Grandpa's eye. DJ is growing like a weed and smart as a whip.But at least he hasn't outgrown playing with his Grandpa. We had a ball,and he still laughs at my corny jokes....for now!

In our last post we spoke of good news and a change of plans for this summer. Well, Katie and Billy are going to have a baby and were going to be Grandparents again! Jeni and I are thrilled. We have made plans to host this summer back at Folsom Lake so we can be close and help if needed.The baby is due in early June so we are coming in about mid May til mid August.OH BOY! a little one to fondle and hold....we can't wait. Kate has that beautiful glow all expectant mothers have. Pure Beauty.We love you Sweetie.

Jeni and I were blown away by this Afgan that Alyx and Jackie got us. It has all the families pictures on it. Jeni put it on the couch but won't let me sit on it because i might sit on one of the kids faces. No more naps on the couch!

This is Alyx and her boyfriend Cody. They got each other promise rings for Christmas. They look very nice. Grandpa is not sure what that means but Alyx assured me school comes first.Cody is a very nice guy and very respectful.He seems like a keeper. We had a great time in Sacramento and all too quick we were back in the park getting ready for New Years. Jeni was busy all week and had a great turnout Wednesday for her "Hot Dog and a Movie"She showed the movie "The Help"The book had been circulating through the park so when Jeni showed the movie everybody wanted to see it. New Years Eve the park had its annual party with a great musical duo that belted out the oldies. everybody danced their a&#?'s off and "Partied Hearty!"
This week we had to take down decorations. First at our site where Jeni and I took two days taking everything down and packing it away in our storage shed.Then on Wednesday we took down all the decorations in the clubhouse. That only takes about 4 hours and you get cookies and coffee.Plus, you have a lot of help.All the members pitch in.
Our winter plans are, our family cruise on Jan. 16th-20th on Carnival to Catalina island and Ensenada Mexico. OLE! Then in February we head down to Phoenix for a month to visit Jeni's family and my brother. From there we will head to Riverside to visit our Grandsons and my other Brother for a week. Then home to get ready for the parks annual fundraiser "Stage Coach Days" in April. That should keep Jeni and I busy.
Well the Holidays are behind us and 2012 looks like its gonna be a great year so were off and running(but not in Iowa) enjoying the retired life.One of the members I was chatting with the other day remarked that "everyday is a good day to be alive.Everyday you don't indulge and smile is a day you lose"......A good way to live life. A Holiday Continued!
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